Do any of you have a forex blog?

i have one.
but i afraid to write its name our put its link.
its my username!

I do not had my own blog about forex, however I like to read different blogs where people share their ideas. I get very precious information from there as well as updates of market. I linke to join forex groups to be a part of forex international family.

Hi! Here is my blog its about Forex Robots and MT4 EAs. Also I post some of my ideas on strategies, arbitrage, etc.

Not so long ago I decided to make a personal blog about Forex in order to share my knowledge and interesting facts with other people.
It’s absolutely free and non-promotional, so you can feel comfortable and find something interesting. I think my blog will be more useful for newbies, as I explain how to work with certain indicators, etc. But even you are not a trader, you will be able to find something.
You are welcome! Forex Notes by Mohammad Hafiz - “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think” ― Socrates

P.S. I am not a professional blogger and it takes lots of time to write articles in an interesting language. Hope you like them!
And I’ll be glad to receive your feedback, of course!

After looking at a few blogs about this topic I’ve found out a lot of interesting things for myself. Not always useful information, but thanks for the effort!

i think that LiteForex blog will be interesting for you. Do you read this blog before?

I run my forex blog, here is my latest analysis from it, also trading recommendation is already outdated Trading analysis: Going big long on WTI - Broker Arena

Hi! Here is my blog
Here I have articles about some basic forex stuff, my trader insights and examples of the best strategies and software I have personally tried. I am a fan of mathematics, logic and algorithms, so forex for me is something like Play Station for teenagers. You are welcome to join the discussions on my blog and if you would like to share your ideas and knowledge about forex, just send me an email. Thank you.

I’ll be starting mine next year - big things to come :slight_smile:

At one point I had thoughts of starting my own forex blog, but when I estimated how much time I would spend on it, I immediately refused the idea.

I want to share my blog article with you, my friends: Bitcoin price history - Forexnote
It is actual and describes the possible outcomes of the bitcoin situatiion.
Hope, it will be useful. I try to make my blog useful for people very much.

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This question is good we read about forex than we can trade forex easly first of all learn forex education from baypis. Babypips is my faveite website in the world like very much. Thanks

I read some but I don’t have my own

I don’t have any blog for now :slight_smile:
But I wanna have one to build my personal trading jurnal.

I don’t have a blog and I don’t have any reason to start it. It should contain some useful information so that people would read it. I don’t have time for it, to be honest. It’d rather spend this time trading.


Absolute novice here, finished reading BP and now just analysing platforms and indicators with the intention of demo trading soon.

I decided to write a blog via FB page to self coach myself, as well as to force myself to update and commit time on it so I have some references to look back to in the future

Sorry - I can’t see it (I don’t have and won’t have a facebook account) - However, I can and will see blogs on Tumblr or similar



[Edit = we even have a section here where people post their journals and keep them updated - Isn’t that what a “BLOG” does ? ]

I was thinking, if I decided to create a Forex blog, which platform do you recommend for free blog, and what do I post on it? My everyday trade? I am not good at writing analysis.


So my original thought was to start the blog on Facebook since I already use the site a lot. However after a week of blogging there, I realised I was not reaching the right audience, I want to interact with other traders speculating and suggestions to improve my strategies. Instead what I got is silence and Facebook’s insistent nudge for me to pay them to promote my page.

It was an absolute nightmare

So now I started a fresh blog on the Trading Journals section right here on BabyPips, a couple of days ago.

So far it’s been taking up a lot of my time journalling all my trades as I take them, but I feel I am more focused on the trades than managing a page.

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

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I thought about creating my own blog. But only for promotion of partner programs.