Why economists should not be treated like scientists

Great article…

When economists ignore the human factor, we all pay the price | Timothy Garton Ash | Opinion | The Guardian

good read, remind me in some degree of a dialogue i had with manxx

like this quote and especially becasue it comes from someone who is someone:

“John Maynard Keynes observed that an economist
should be “mathematician, historian, statesman and
philosopher in some degree”.”

Great quote:)

As economy fluctuates we need to reset our lives accordingly so economists ans scientist should not treat in the same manner.

On the truncated listings, where recent posts show, on the forum’s front page, this appears as “Why economists should not …”; so I clicked on it to see whether the full title was going to continue “… be allowed out in public”.

The old jack of all trades, master of none!

All true economists have a touch of Aspie, I think :slight_smile:

depending what your job is. there are things and jobs where youre the best if you broadly have some knowledge in a lot of areas but not specialized in a single one.