Psychology of our first trade

Over the last week, I’ve been musing a lot about how we treat our first trade, cause it related to my recent experience.

and concluded that we must not let our first trade impact further trading.
Profitable trade can lead to overestimation, false encouragement, while loss can make us feel desperate too much.
We must realize that it is just one trade and not to let it print a bad pattern in our mind.

What is your opinion on this?

Why do you care about the first trade so much ,it has absolute no meaning, either you win it or not, what does it matter.When you lose the first 10 trades, that on the other hand is getting bad.

Feelings of first trade is very thrilling. We h ad lot of expectations , excitement and emotions with it. Our all aims are to win from market if it happened it makes confident and loss obviously makes us hope less. I win in my first trade .It was a amazing moment for me that encourage me to remain in touch with market.

My first trade a few years ago was more like “insert a coin to the slot machine” and spin the wheel… and the next trade and the third trade and so on… All trades where executed with a lot of excitment.

Did I loose? …yes, did I win? …never enough to cover my loss.
And did I know what I was doing? …not at all. I sometimes still feel that I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve learned over time, that a winning trade should emotionaly be treat as a loosing trade. Be insensible… If you allow yourself to feel to exited by winning trades, you also take your loosing trades with the opposite feeling, but usually more intense.

be positive and confident , yes its always a bit nervous at first, but then you have to start.

I’ve just read an article about the psychology of the first trade Psychology of the first trade | Fresh Forex. Hope it will be useful.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. And don’t think so much. Seriously.

I agree.

Feel the market and trade simply. :64:

Personally at the first time i do trade my psychology in anxiety , from opening the position till want to close the order though get profit just in little point . moreover when my position float in loss position sure my minds get pressure and be depressed at that times

I think almost all newbies in trading will be hard to control their psychology in trading because no one likes to lose in the market but we should realize if all traders ever lost in the market. Psychology control in trading is capability to stick on the plan no matter condition in the market is same with expectation or far different with expectation. Almost all newbies doesn’t like to face loss condition and many of them who broke rules because of that. To control emotion in trading, it will need training and confidence to the trading plan. It will need time so it won’t happen instantly.

Excitement and depression to the extreme is always bad for the traders. Hence, maintaining the emotion in a balanced manner is critical for the traders success on long run.

You are true , at the first time i am doing trade of forex market i feel reaaly excitement with high passion to trade more and more cause have high desire can earn money as much just in few times , but unfortunately my desire not happen

This happens to all the traders when they have taken their first trade and with the anticipation of making profit or loss the excitement increases even more. Thus, best way to avoid such excitement is by implementing right money and risk management.

If we want to protect our losses then it can be done easily and for that purpose we will have to make sure that our trading risks are less and stay under control.

In this way we will be able to protect our trading accounts also :slight_smile:

I was nervous during my first trade, and I still am nervous during my trades now after years.

Competence can give you confidence, but admit that trading just is not natural, and cope with it!

Oh, that was funny.
Do you, guys, know the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”? Do you remember how Walter was sending his first wink via dating website to a woman (forgot the name)?
Gosh!! It was the same:32:

Focusing on trade instead of focusing on money is the best way in my opinion. If you focus on money more then on trade something is wrong. I have no problem with loosing money if i did everything right.

No one who can make perfect strategy which can guarantee 100% profit in trading so it is common thing for you if you feel worry in your trading, especially in your first trading. But if you have made preparation in your money management and risk management so it’s no need too much nervous in your trading although it could end with loss because profit and loss has been managed with your trading plan. It is natural thing for you to face profit or loss in transaction in forex business. As long as you have limited the loss then you don’t need too much worry about it.

Shouldn’t you win the money if you have done everything right?:slight_smile: