Are you emotionally affected by your profits or losses?

I have no real emotional attachment or response to the outcomes of individual trades, but that’s because (a) I’m Asperger-ish to start with and (b) my entire orientation for trading comes from a mathematical, statistical, probabilistic perspective, and I’ve never put on a trade (for real money) without knowing that it has positive expectancy. Of course, I still lose [I]plenty[/I] of trades, as anyone does.

My emotional influence is being too much on the trading amount profits and losses made and because of this i see that i get upset very soon and by being dull am affecting the life around me as well. :frowning:

To be honest, it’s hard to remain neutral for any result that affects your life (not just getting profit or loss in forex). But I agree for your point B. As long as we analyze it first and not over-expecting a positive result, we could remain calm to any results.

Very much true, it becomes very difficult for the traders to cope after the losses have been made. But we need to get out of this mental trauma and see it as a financial instrument to make money wisely and avoid being emotional trader which is not worth.

Agree :slight_smile:
Evaluation is the key of it, the more we evaluate our trading journal, the less we will lose in the future trading.

Yes indeed self evaluation is the best tool or six sigma which can help us save lots of money and energy. But for this one needs persistent effort and dedication to put in for excelling then certainly avoiding the emotion and being strong minded is possible.

True. But still, some traders ignoring the importance of self evaluation while they’re still asking themselves “What’s wrong with my trade?”

Take your time, evaluate your steps and don’t haste too much to chase profits…

I’ve never felt too emotionally affected by my profits, apart from a general feeling of satisfaction, but I did get affected by my losses. I am working hard correct that, but it’s not as easy in practice as it is in theory.

Some traders still struggling themselves to remain in their sanity while (especially) facing with their losses in trading. But the more they trade, the more their ability to control their emotion increased.

When I started trading I was really emotional. Whether I made a profit or loss - big or small - my heart would be racing almost the entire time I was in the trade, haha!

I think your emotions calm down over the time. I still get nervous every now and then, but no where near as much as I used to when I was a beginner. I’d actually recommend some specific trading psychology seminars perhaps for those looking to get into day trading.

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I’m very emotional. Sometimes I feel like my hearts beats. I don’t know how to deal with it.

Most of the traders are emotional and lose money to the forex market. But very strong mindset and traders with determination make fortune in the forex trading business.

I am. But more affected emotionally by losses than by profits)))

It is the common human nature that the grief affects a lot more than the happiness. This is the reason that most of us think of the past and cry but never think of the good things and laugh. Human after all. :slight_smile:

We are all human and we are all affected emotionally by our trading. Your goal should not be not to be affected, but to do the right thing despite your emotions.

It’s normal to have an emotional response to our trading. The point is to learn to control our emotions, especially the negative ones.

Yes im simply emotionally dont mind , and im happy
I had a harder time in casino

I think trading in demo and behaving as it a live account helps me better get used to the idea that I will open a position and I might need to close it having a loss. Or even seeing that my position is currently losing and not to hurry to close it because I want to save my self from a disaster.
Developing a good strategy might prevent us from doing bad decisions based on our emotions.