Are you emotionally affected by your profits or losses?

It’s normal to have an emotional response to our trading. The point is to learn to control our emotions, especially the negative ones.

Yes im simply emotionally dont mind , and im happy
I had a harder time in casino

I think trading in demo and behaving as it a live account helps me better get used to the idea that I will open a position and I might need to close it having a loss. Or even seeing that my position is currently losing and not to hurry to close it because I want to save my self from a disaster.
Developing a good strategy might prevent us from doing bad decisions based on our emotions.

The amount of learning that are actually possible using the Demo accounts will not be possible using the other methods and also this is a reason for us to make the best use of the Demo trading accounts…

Trading on a demo account can never be exactly like trading on a live account, even when you aim to treat it that way. Subconsciously you’ll always know those money aren’t real. That said, it is still an excellent exercise that should not be overlooked that you can use to train both your reactions and your way of thinking when it comes to trading.

I have made substantial learning from the use of the Demo trading accounts and this is why i prefer to use them in my trades now :slight_smile:

Trading on a demo account is definitely the way to start, feel more comfortable with the platform and assets, and test your strategies. However I don’t recommend using it for more than a couple of months, as real trading is substantially different in many aspects. The next stage as should be start trading live, but with a minimum deposit. You might learn much more about live trading while not risking much

I agree -the demo account is a very useful learning and a testing tool, one can’t stay on it forever and sooner or later they have to transfer to a live account because some things can only be learned while trading on one.

Demo not recommend in long run , if you are using demo more then 2 months then maybe its not helping that much.

Demo for immature/beginners and Live for real traders.

As traders we all have to counter with trade emotions we have to train ourselves to fight adverse effects of trading.

I find myself emotionally attached to my profits and losses.
Is there anyway to overcome this?

If you find that you are emotionally attached to your profits and losses. Then you will be.
There is no way to completely unattached yourself. Unless you are Aspergerish.

Meditation may help to reduce the level of anxiety.

Search in Youtube for

" A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State: Vishen Lakhiani "

It works for me. Hope it works for you.

As far as I know people with Aspergers too feel emotion like people without it, but they have a difficulty communicating it. As such they too would have an emotional reaction to their trading, be it positive or negative.

Haha, no offences. I apologize.
i was just teasing Lexys.

We have to learn how we will be able to manage our trading based emotions and then only we will come to a position whereby we will start earning some income :slight_smile:

Emotions definitely effect our moods specially profit and loss are important profit can make us greedy or overconfident. loss makes disappointed and depressed.If we think realistically both should remain normal with us because profit and loss are vital part of trading.

True. But humans are emotional creatures and emotional discipline is something that needs to be learned over time.

I like to think that I can leave emotions out of my trading, but I am just fooling myself :frowning:

No one can leave emotions out of trading, they’re part of who we are. We just need to learn to deal with them.

Yes but how to do it correctly? When I’m trying to get rid of emotions it seems to me I still making wrong decisions, as all my brain starts to work more slow. I try to concentrate on what is right and what is wrong, and paying not much attention to the orders and outcomes. Is it thing that comes only with experience?
I can’t get it now

Yeah I think most people are effected when they lose money, it’s really hard to not to be, especially if you go on a losing streak. I do mind exercises everyday before I sit and look at my charts, that way when I place a trade I know that I’m sound in mind and if a mistake happens and I lose money I know that it wasn’t my decision but something out of my control that lost that particular trade.