Adjusting your trend bias

I have found that to be able to change an idea (a bias) that the market is going one way, while it continually goes in another, is an extremely difficult thing to do. Yet, at the same time, it is also extremely rewarding when I am able to affect the change and, essentially, free myself of a rigid, if not a fearful and frustrating mindset. In my experience, it has taken a string of losses and the sting of it to affect this change, but change did happen. Thanks goodness.

For the sake of knowing that I am not alone in this, getting some support, as well as insights on what your experience was, I am putting this out to this community. I am curious to hear what techniques you’ve learned and instilled in your psyche to help overcome this powerful influence of action.

Thanks everyone!

I actually redraw my charts every weekend. Just start fresh starting from the longer timeframes down.

Ever try analyzing from faster timeframes up?

Indeed - when I am actually trading. But not on the weekends :wink:

Excellent advice! Re-drawing my charts as we speak. A clean start makes it easier to see things without past mental clutter. Cheers!