1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Pretty classic squat bar, ya?

An official squat bar would have higher volume than the previous bar. But nonetheless, that bar is still pretty squat-ish.

Ahhh yes indeed. My eyes were looking at the wrong volume bar.

Had three winning trades this week, minus a couple false starts (1 BE, 1 SL):

Edit: Looks like I jumped ship a little early on that last one :slight_smile: No regrets, a pip is a pip.

Seems like a textbook example here of a shakeout thinning the floating supply before a markup.

Bedtime – alarm set for 1.4172.

Looks like 1.4184 is playing the odds right now.

Previous resistance now turned into support, weekly pivot, stopping volume with a pin bar close.

It didn’t offer a retracement to place a safe entry so I missed it, but currently it’s a 40 pips + up move.

Session has been really quiet, but probably New York puts in some gas to offer some end of week opportunites.

I’m closing shop though, hope you guys catched the set up…:wink:

A quick question for those in the know.

Is the VSA concept somehow comparable with Tape Reading?

Sorry to disrupt with this, but the very few that I’ve read about Tape Reading, seems to me that can be translated into a chart with VSA with an even more objective view. Or maybe I’m getting a wrong idea of the concept.

Have a great weekend!

The foundation of VSA is based upon Richard Wyckoff’s method of tape reading. Tom Williams was able to put his own little twist on it.

Thank you for your anwer EnPoint.

I never thought the two concepts were that related.

One never stops learning. :slight_smile:

Guys, please share your thoughts. Is this correct ?

Hit my 100 pip target :slight_smile: Pic when I get home.

Edit for pic:

Yes, technically that is an upthrust, fake breakout. I noticed supply creeping in earlier this week (distribution) and I said it needs an upthrust to get things going. Big trends go out with a bang, high Volume…not a whimper. It being right into .50 fib just made it perfect.

I’m not sure why you marked accumulation coming up, this is the start of a mark down phase (as shown in the first post of this thread). We’ll look for signs of re-distribution and no demand to get in short tomorrow, unless signs of strength appear…(high Volume, wide spread down bars to stop down moves) …but I doubt they will so soon.

I found a nice setup on a u/j short today. It’s not a pair I normally trade but flipping around charts and it was there. Look at 5min and 15 min weakness appeared on a high volume up bar, then no demand.

lol, I want that to automatically play when a target is hit. mmm, 8 bit satisfaction.

Last week I actually set up MT4 do do that very thing. I have various mario sound effects for opening an order (“Here we gooooooo!” from SM64), partial TP (mushroom power up from SM1), final TP (world complete from SM1), and stops (dying noise from SM1). My phone plays the same sounds based on email alerts when I’m AFK :slight_smile:

For tomorrow:

Showtime! Let’s see if smaller TF confirms now.

I didnt’ fall for it today. The 5 min clearly showed LOW volume in that critical .50-61.8 zone. I went long g/u on hi vol bounce off .50 fib, and no supply. Traders took a hit today, no doubt…

Yeah, weird stuff – and why it’s never a good idea to blindly trade levels like so many do. Though I was thinking in the back of my mind that we haven’t seen the stopping volume fireworks needed to really reverse:

Maybe we’ll get it with NFP tomorrow…

Highest H4 volume bar in months, on my chart right now as we charge through 1.4500…