1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

No, I’m not trading yen pairs much lately…wasn’t about to start today with that ugly small range.

I’m waiting for a setup on e/u now. It’s been ranging on larger TF, obvious trade is to look to short as high as possible…with confirmation of course, as in high stopping volume at a strong resistance level, pins, no futher up move following etc…a double top would be nice, or a head n shoulders neck line break. Just wait for that familiar text book Petefader setup :wink: lol

1.4070 area is where I’ll start considering it. If there is no high volume reaction, then up move will continue. In that case I can use one of my systems like Mad Scalper to find my way in.

Yea today sure will be interesting, just been watching g/u … moving up rapidly. Have you been watching this one…??

Happy trading mate

Yeah I see g/u. No way I’m buying it this high and no reversal signal yet, and no pullback…so I wait. Guessing how high this market is headed…not somthing I care to do lol. I’m not sure there is a real consensus for a target among big money. Just waiting for a setup.

BTW The repubs won lots of seats as expected in US election…markets will like it as it should help safeguard tax rates for biz…was a looming question.

Dollar seems like its under preasure so far, so who knows. Could be a bull trap… if there is such a thing haha.

Thanks for the link for the book. Appreciate it

Right. USD under pressure, as money moves to more risky investments…aka risk appetite following positive events. For some reason USD still seen as “safe”…go figure.

Watch the DOW today. Looks like it’s been waiting for something…I bet it was the elections.

Yea i hear you. JUst meant against the other majors, gbp, eur …

dow ready to fly…?

That would be my guess. I don’t have a dog in the race though.

so bad news for the dollar … lol yea im just watching and learning.

Have to go with what I see, and it’s a scalp setup. G/U should retrace down a bit on this double top for a few pips. If not, then this strength is out of control, and no more shorts lol.

lol… a ‘few’ pips … i think we both know the dollar is about to get crumbled.

Right after a message from Mr. retrace, I hope. :slight_smile:

i’ll be happy with 1.6120. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

:confused: your confusing me now lol

Took off half +15 and locked BE on g/u.

What’s confusing? USD weakness means g/u goes up, but I saw a double top and reversal signal against the trend for a short scalp. Then I’lll look to get long after a retrace.

Edit: closed the rest +21. That was daring lol…but a valid setup.

lol na the mr retrace bit. Yea just watched it. Nice trade.

There’s my scalp…know what I’m sayin!? :cool:

They say you can’t pick tops, not even with VSA…Bull S#!t.

They say 5min is too small for VSA trading…Bull S#it.

Pin at s/r, high vlm reaction. Next candle closed solid in my direction on medium vlm. SO SIMPLE.

I just had the patience to wait for it, and the balls to take it.

Cool, thanks.

YEa nice one. Gona be interesting too see how far this goes up. Big boys are all short dollar by the looks of things…

Right, I just need an entry to get long. That pretty much means stopping vlm on a down move, and the proper candle setup. Hopefully at a 50-61.8 level or a support.

Lol my fibo levels must be wrong as them levels seem way down. Where r yours at…?