1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Banked half +25, reast at BE. looking for 1.3650 area for tp2.

Do I really have to post anymore pictures of reversals?..They are all starting to look the same :wink: …Text book.

I’m mostly bearish right now. Closing this week down will confirm my view.

Heavy supply coming in on the 15.

Just saw your post. I was long at the time from 1.3480 and I held right through that lol.

I locked BE though, but was very much expecting the move up today based on the [I]background accumilation [/I]off supp. shown in aisa and early london.

I saw Malcolm was short too :frowning: …sorry guys, today was my day lol…maybe tomorrow is yours and I lose, lol.

Besides that ONE candle, look back on that chart and [I]look at what you sold into[/I]. One candle doesn’t get me to change my bais…or at least bet my money on it.

I didn’t take a trade today, had to run into work. That order was from the night before, should’ve closed it in some profit :frowning:

If I had more time to sit down and look at the charts this morning, I probably would’ve notice the acc. going on around .3464 … excellent trade, Pete!

Unfortunately for me, I pick and side and stick wit it lol… Maybe in the future I’ll be daring enough to go back and forth lol.

Sellers at 1.3650 double top…no chart, typical setup.

So this means typical profits right?

If you mean targets, I just locked BE due to news in 3 mins. I’m just goin to take it as it comes…been a rangey day. I’ll look to close at support, stopping vlm, .50 -.618 fiibb levels, etc.

Wow, it been interesting to learn about price action, now VSA, i will like to request for your templates so that i can learn about your VSA as well.

Please help.

Is pretty interesting eh? There is no “template” that I offer. I don’t recommend using anything besides candles, Volume, s/r and fibb that you draw your self. Once you’ve mastered that and understand how the market works, you can consider adding indies, but probably won’t want to.

Just some weekend daily TF analysis. A likely projection I think, but I take it day by day.

Nice chart, basically the way i’m seeing it, small bullish rally then a sell off around the 61.8.

What I guess is this:

The left side of a W is already visible. This will be finished, then rather up a bit than down. I guess your lower long tl will hold. Anyways, we’ll see. I wouldn’t risk a pip based on my guesses, lol.

What are the basic principles of this system?

From Wiki:

Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) is a form of technical analysis which attempts to look into price action in relation to volume. VSA is the study of the market forces of supply and demand and the manipulation of those forces through the psychology of crowd behavior.

VSA is the result of Tom Williams experience and discoveries applied to Richard Wyckoff’s Methods. Richard Wyckoff’s Methods are based on his extensive experience and studies which rely heavily on Jesse Livermore’s (The Reminiscences of A Stock Operator) discoveries. These three traders came to understand the underlying mechanics of the markets and developed methods to trade them and, later, to teach others how to trade effectively.

Jesse Livermore discovered how the markets are manipulated and developed methods to profit from these manipulations. Richard Wyckoff codified Livermore’s discoveries and methods and applied them to chart reading. Tom Williams added VSA to Wyckoff’s work to reveal the specific tactics used to manipulate crowd behavior and expose the footprints of the Smart Money manipulators.

In the final analysis, VSA uses three components on the chart to determine the balance of supply and demand as well as the probable near term direction of the market. These components are the amount of volume affecting the price, the price spread or range of the price (not the bid/ask spread), and where price closes. VSA analyses volume and what the price did as a result and relative to the preceding bars on a chart.

But there is much more involved in how and why price moves. There are periods of consolidation when supply and demand in a market is in relative equilibrium and trending periods when the market is in a phase of accumulation or distribution and the forces of supply and demand are out of balance. It is during these phases of accumulation or distribution that the markets are purposefully manipulated.

Bottom…it’s clear as day on the 1hr down to the 5min.

plz clear the full post

What the heck are you talking about?