1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

OK, I’m very experienced, but I’m new to this and I’m having quite unbelievable success with it, the reason for this is I stick to one pair - the EURUSD, try and do the same, you’re better off staring endlessly at one chart rather than looking for setups on different pairs, stick to one pair and take breaks so that your brain gets a rest and works on it in the background.

“I’m long…not calling trades, just sharing.”

for instance here, I see the candle pattern the tweezers, but why would high volume on a red candle mean go long? I would have thought it ment smart money is selling, so go short?

Sticking one pair is good idea. I tried to follow 2 pairs. It didn’t go so well. I’m going to just watch one pair from now on. And when I got very very good feeling about this, I maybe start trading other pair, and it will be like hobby. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe I’m able to trade in 2 pairs some day when I have good feel about both of those.

It seems backwards I know. High volume down bars followed by an inside bar usually means smart money has absorbed the selling. Meaning they bought to the extent that price could not continue down. It was also at a .50 - 61.8 area in the direction of the VSA background.

Right, I trade mainly E/U and if its not moving well I’ll look at g/u but that’s it.

so from the 20th to the 24th (hour chart) I can see the accumulation phase. I see the mark up of price, its pretty evident, but how do I know when distribution is going on. Thats why I assumed the 68.5 fib level was the point of distribution. is there a different method to calculate that?
(fib drawn from 19th to the 20th hour chart)

Not sure where you have your fibb. Distrubution begins when a markup hits stopping volume and the next candle closes inside (bearish) on the 1hr. It can also be confirmed by seeing additional up bars on high volume that do not make a new high on the next couple bars. It becomes a range.

The fib is high on 19 jan on one hour chart, and I the first low on 20 jan.

at 9:00 on the 20th it clearly starts to range in hindsight, but what would trigger you to know that at the moment exactly?

trying another attemp at this, G/U short, Pinbar on 5 min chart, high volume. might go back to 68.5 retracement then bouce up?

AUDJPY reaccumulation? based on, pin bar 15:00 high volume, bear candle high volume (sell pressure??) and a retest at new high, with low volume that fails

? am I even close?

Edit: so I know I was wrong now haha but why… I really want to understand the conceps, not just rules toa system. I really apreciate your help, as I’m sure everyone does.

To keep from posting a hundred times I’ll just keep adting this one

U/J bounce off .50 fib? long? 18:00 on 15m chart, Fib line from jan 3 00:00, to jan 7 12:00

You’re going round in circles from one pair to another, stick to EURUSD and then we can help, and you will get somewhere then, try and make it easy for us to help you.

It looks like shorting the EUR/USD @ around 1.3684 might have been a good idea - too bad I was busy… Wait for the next retracement up and see what the volume is telling us I guess…

Living in the Central time zone sucks because London opens @ 2am for me and New York opens at 7, which is the same time I start work…

rgr that man. So are we suppost to look at the movement of price versus the volume? Like right now, on eur usd its going down, (1hr chart) and so is the volume.

So with this should I assume that since volume was up and the price was up, now both are going down smart money was selling? or buying?


Should I only look at then the market starts to turn around the highs and lows, and see which has most volume associated with it? if more highs have more volume, smart money is selling and a break south will happen?

Just because you lost a trade, doesn’t mean your analysis was wrong. You can’t win [B]every[/B] trade :wink:

The volumes are going down now, simply because the London exchange is closed, what you want to be looking out for is volume spikes and volume troughs.

This is a really poor example because of the lower volumes, but it is a bit of a spike nevertheless, so it could be a reversal.

it’s not too bad but I’m sure there will be traders with more volume trading experience that may well have a different view, but keep an eye on it and see what happens.

[QUOTE=petefader;239802]Just having some fun on this one…who knows.

This would be perfect:

  1. Trap shorts from eager reversal traders by first bringing price down.

  2. Make a new high for the day to stop them out. This will also attract breakout trades, which are absorbed (high vol), puts smart money short.

  3. Markdown, Smart money wins again.

Check mate in 3 moves. :smiley:

WOW…you guy surely know how the market moves (and will move…)!!!
Today I couldn’t stay at my pc, but I left two(demo) pending orders around the levels you stated in your image…
Long orderd gave me about 80 pips!
Short is going on from 1.3660:cool:
I still have to learn your method, but it seems very great!

Sorry for my last post… sometimes I’m not so smart! I forgot there was another volume indicator in MT4 :o

Thanks Again Peter!

For the eurusd reversal, where do you draw the fib line to and from? I use the daily and draw from 30 nov 2009 - 31may10

But what would be a good short term fib line

Well Bugger me :smiley:

112 pips!

No stress. I set my target and let it run it’s course. (1.0005)

I think it went to 1.0020 but I’m pretty pleased with myself.

The even better news is that from looking at the volume, I dare say we have another run coming up. These strong pushes are lacking serious selling volume.

Thanks Pete!!


That was faster than I thought…

Closed out at the 50 Fibb Retrace, +34 pips.

I think we are looking at forming the real deal now

Purplepatch said it was ok so…toot, toot! :smiley:

We’ll see if she comes down today. Nice to see people doing so well.

high volume pin bar forming on AUSJPY

Indeed looks, very similar to AUS/USD right now.