1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

So you are done, no more trade lol

Well, I will be watching charts here and there and if it screams really loud, that there is perfect trade, I take it. :stuck_out_tongue: But if not, I don’t feel bad about it. :smiley: Never push yourself. If you do good, relax. If you do bad, well, just don’t let it get you. :stuck_out_tongue:

If thinking long price has reacted strongly before at the 1.3430 level a number of times in the past few months. That whole 1.3430 - 1.3460 zone had been strong resistance all through Dec and Jan so there’s a reasonable chance it’ll act as support now. If price got down to 1.3430 and there’s some volume to support I’d probably have a wager at a long.

Clearly more buying than selling over the past couple weeks so I’m still bull e/u. This NO DEMAND (3rd arrow) presented itself right before the 1hr close on the 5m tf after some indications of strength. The first red arrow has alot of volume but no follow through on the following bar. Then the next arrow closes on its lows with high volume with the next bar nearly engulfing it suggesting buyers. The following bar after the engulfing bar was actually a ND as well but I wasn’t at the PC to grab it. Hit +20 within minutes. Closed half, rest at BE.

Possible short soon.

There you have it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit… Out from trade with 20 pips. Huge volume just kicked in. Got scared.

Okay, little screenie now. So…

Red circle, again, was where I shorted. Green is where I closed whole short position AND this time, I also opened long position in there. Yellow circle is where I closed half from that long position and locked BE…

Now I’m seeing if there will be double top. If that holds, out from long and short again. If it doesn’t hold, I keep my long, but I don’t make it to be full position, I just keep my half going.

Weren’t you dicing with death there with the news announcements at 10(GMT) ?

I’m still waiting on my funds to be transferred across into Oanda so no trades yet this week for me. But if I was long with half a position I’d be looking for a test of yesterday’s daily high at 1.35578 as a possible TP.

:slight_smile: I’ve said it before. I haven’t been watching any news for 1 year. :smiley: I don’t dice, I look volume.

And btw, closed that long and now shorting.

Edit… Out from short. Saw volume in 1M TF. Time to look for long again… Crazy action today. I should chill now… Good trades again. Yes… I chill now. I was suppose to chill rest of the week anyway. :smiley:

Interesting, so are you using a fixed spread broker?

I see somewhat triple top in 5M TF… Feeling like shorting soon.

Man, you don’t even watch the news to get out of position, that’s dangerous for me xD

News… pfft.

Volume doesn’t lie.

ps. Just went short. But I don’t feel this one, so risking only 0.5%.

Edit… Took Screenie.

It’s alllllll in the charts :smiley:

Closed half, locked BE.

Oh Yes it Does :slight_smile: , well actually no, but look at the graphic below, the top one is IBFX volumes and the bottom one is Oanda, essentially it tells you the same thing, I switched over because I trade with Oanda (spreads open and can just stop you out when there is news quite easy) and at first glance it looked like it was a better volume chart to use to trade with, more prominent peaks, but NO it’s a lot harder to trade with in practice.

I looked at a number of brokers volumes, and they are all quite similar excpet for Oanda.

IBFX Top / OANDA Bottom

Is that from Oanda’s new MT4 platform? As volume is based off tick volume wasn’t there some other post saying something about how Oanda’s tick volume is lower compared to others? Maybe it’s inconsistent in other ways too being a new implementation.

It must show their volumes whatever they are, so it’s not like an error, it’s just their volumes, the troughs and spikes are more or less the same but the variant is much bigger, so the problem you get for example is when it’s this time of day you don’t pick your trade up, because the volumes have died off and so your peaks are comparatively low.

(Yes it’s Oanda MT4, only on demo so far)

Well… the thing is… that Oanda’s volume feed sucks. Oanda is great, I have an account there but I use IBFX demo for charts and volume trading.

2NeroKoso: Hey, thanks for all the charts, it’s really helpful to see how you trade. Congratulations on all the pips you got today. Just one question… I can see why you entered your first short trade today - red circle. But what exactly made you exit out / green circle? What happened so special? Thanks for any answer :slight_smile: