1% per day challenge during 1 month

As this topic is a trade journal as well, and of course it’s always cool and nice to see great curve and nice green percentages, it’s always cool to see a bit more behind the engine.

Trade Journal mean, trades. A lot of trades. To illustrate it a bit more, and know it’s not the most sexy part but I’m sharing to you an extract of the 1% big size lot (I reduce from 1 lot to an half to preserve margin). (August trades)

As I was saying that’s not sexy at all, but trading is not gold, luxury car, naked girls (or boys) and champagne on a boat. It’s more a day to day progress in your small house building pips after pips.

Happy pips !

You correctly said: “Trading is like sailing. If there is no wind, you will not sail.” This is the most successful comparison that I have met on the network and which I have been looking for for a long time.

Thank you very much Alekxandra.

Well, we are in the world where everything need to be quick and fast, success, failure, recognition. People think they need to grab greedily pips and $ everyday. By doing so they are putting their success in forex and trading to a risky situation. Sometime nothing happen, sometime I need to wait days before finding the right situation to open or close positions.

Trading is a long term process and sustainability is only visible after years. During this time, many will have sunk in their boat trying to blow in their sails.


Already a new week finishing, time flies ! I stop trading for the week, I’m not a big fan of keeping orders opened on friday, especially when I have reach some good achievement.

What to say, week was quite fantastic on the 1% big size lot strategy, taking its 1% daily this week. A bit more challenging for the conservative one with only 1% this week. But as you know I’m looking on the long term and sustainability. 1% is already much more than what ma bank proposed me for 1 year !

I decided as well to work on a more depth analysis.
Here the current status:

Drawdown on the 1lotsize was due to a too large dimension of each trade, I reduced a bit the lot size but unfortunately, drawdown will stay forever.

1%Daily 1lotsize

1%Daily Test

August is almost over, it’s good time to see the progression Month after Month. Market is a bit less trade due to holidays in many region, september should become a harder / more dynamic month. Let see. I decided to go deeper in the analysis so you can see as well more details about risk / ratio or the currencies trade over august month.

1%Daily 1lotsize

1%Daily Test

Now back to my day to day job, it’s friday, and still have a last day before the week-end.

HappyPips everyone,


Hello dear Babypips Memebers,

Taking the opportunity to have a bit of time to update the diary.
Time contraints currently, working on developing some indicators, building a website, and on a more personal side buy a piece of land to build an house in the future.

Happy to have reach 20% on the 1% Daily and 42% on the 1%Daily 1lot size. Except a crash yesterday morning of the VPS, I recover all my trades.

Global Overview

1%DailyTest overview

And the 1% 1lotsize (0.5 in fact) overview

Hardly work on some other Expert Advisors, and fighting with wordpress on the other hand. But as you can see it’s possible to make progressive growth with a sustainable strategy.

Happy Pips,

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Hello everyone,

Hope you are trading well. A great week on my side, have reached the 1% per day on both EA over the last 4 days ! Another great achievement is passing the 3000 pips collected (harvesting :slight_smile: ) in less than 2.5 months. Not so bad. GBP was quite challenging, thank you Boris Johnson ! But I survived. In fact I love this period of stress and tension on the market, it’s where you can really test the sustainability and resilience of a strategy.

Well. will be travelling majority of next week (Hello Dublin), another cool way to try to support trading with only my mobile phone.

Long story short, let dig into numbers:

Global overview

1% Small Size lot

1% Big size lot

Current next steps:

  • Working on a new EA with a totally different approach and strategy (I see it as diversification, I don’t like to rely only on one tool, it’s the same for assets, stocks trading etc.) So that’s really part of my personal development
  • Developing a website. I have always been interested to have a blog, I think it took me 5 years to stop loosing money on Forex, and 5 years before jumping into getting enough time for this idea of website. Hello wordpress !
  • Finally opening a live account with the current strategy. Got some stocks reaching a +20K$ versus initial acquisition, will use piece of it into this EA.
  • Last point, not the smallest one, buying a piece of land and build an house there. As you can see my agenda is full. And of course in the middle of that, I still have to keep the day to day job lol :slight_smile:

Happy Pips Everyone,

Hello everyone,

Time fly ! 3 months without news.

Here is a quick update. Things are still going quite well. On my small lot size I suffered some losses and add to fight to come back to the initial achievement and over passing it. I came back to 15% and moved now to 29%. But at the end it’s “only” 4% more than in september. That’s part of the game.

Happy pips and enjoy the end of the year !


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Very nice! Thanks for sharing this. I’m so happy for you.

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Thanks QuadPip !

Often people start thread on the performance of their work and then disappear in the nature. Just wanted to insure that I’m still here, just very busy. That’s one of the main reason why I’m doing long term versus short term trading.
