Yes you can be independently wealthy in 10 years. Probably much less than half that time - IF YOU COMMIT YOURSELF. Its not an overnight thing, and I think thats something you already acknowledge.
I’ve been trading full time for a couple years now, but i’ve just transfered over to forex for the bigger $/contract swings than the S&P500 and Russell 2000 were handing out. Not to mention both of those have gone ape **** in the past few months and the forex markets always seem to have nice tradeable swings in them.
That being said, since the switch I have been AVERAGING between +40-50 pips a day. But like I said above, yesterday I was +67, today i’m sitting at +12 after 1 trade and i might quit early and do some X-mas shopping, so it all averages out.
Sooo… to answer your question. If you spend a lot of time Demo’ing (not just 2 weeks like every other newbie, only to go live, lose all their money and quit) and really work at this, backtesting setups, trade management, emotion management literally the sky is the limit.
A trader friend of mine trades 100 lot size in the major pairs. He targets +300 pips a month (300k USD) and then just quits and goes on vacation. This month he was done trading by November 4th. If you start small with your 1000 bucks and trade a mini lot (1$/pip) and you can average say 10 pips a day and there are 20 days a month you trade, if you change nothing on your position sizing you will be at 1200 bucks by the end of month 1. Up the size one mini lot for month 2, so now your going to be at 1600 bucks at the end assuming the same profit levels. Month 3 you add another mini lot so you’re going to make 600 bucks, and so on and so forth.
You can be well on your way to independent wealth in no time IF YOU GET YOUR **** STRAIGHT BEFORE HAND. And you take your time, you don’t force things, get ****y, over leverage yourself, etc.
So are you pie-in-the-sky? Don’t ask us. Ask yourself. I know its sounds like all this psedo-zen bullcrap but really… in this game you are the ONLY person who determines your success. Not your boss, your coworkers, just you. It can be a lot of pressure, especially at first, but as long as you keep your eye on the goal and keep your nose to the grind stone there is no reason why the fairy tale wealth can’t be yours. What other profession has by definition no limits on the amount of wealth you can accrue? And no set limit on how old you have to be, or how much experience you need to get paid more?
If i can do it, you can too.
Cheers man!