100% transparent daily journal

Decided to add 3 more accounts and to trade them at a good pace. Looking forward to next week!


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Day 15 JUL 15, 2024 234.16$ for quick NY session since there is 12 pm news.


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Day 15 part 2 JUL 15, 2024 405$ total with NY + PM session after news.

Total balance as of July 15, 2024: 2262.64.98$

Total payout as of July 15, 2024: 2000$

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I’m 1/3 of the way through my 150K combine that I started July 8th but I only traded 4 days so far. Your journal keeps my motivated to stay focused and disciplined on this combine. Thanks for posting and for the questions you answered.

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That is impressive results!!
I am glad my journey is motivating :slight_smile: The best advice I can give you is to take your time with the entire process. Even after you are funded and have your first payout as well. Its this same process that your doing right now that will continue to work for you over and over. You can scale out once you have more accounts and more account balance for cushion. All the best!

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Thanks. I’m going to patiently and carefully target completing the combine in 1 month. I’m not in a hurry but I don’t want to waste time either. I’ll see you soon on the other.

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Day 16 JUL 16, 2024 up 306$ total early NY session :blush:

Total balance as of July 16, 2024: 2569.48$

Total payout as of July 16, 2024: 2000$


Day 17 we took a break, Day 18 back with 1386$ for combine accounts. Live account on hold.
