No you said you don’t like position trading because it has the potential to waste time. My point was instead of holding for a year just hold for a day.
No you said you don’t like position trading because it has the potential to waste time. My point was instead of holding for a year just hold for a day.[/QUOTE]
Can I hold it for shorter?
I think it’s a waste of time to hold positions for a short amount of time. For example if you bought USD/JPY yesterday at 97.85 and sold it after a few hours you would have sold it at about 98.3. Because you took your profit you didn’t have a position when it saw steady growth from 98.3 to 99.45 which it is at now presently.
If there is a strong support after major negative news you can be confident that it will never reach that low again. Just look at the USD daily chart have the lows of 93 and 95 ever been touched again?
I think it’s a waste of time to hold positions for a short amount of time. For example if you bought USD/JPY yesterday at 97.85 and sold it after a few hours you would have sold it at about 98.3. Because you took your profit you didn’t have a position when it saw steady growth from 98.3 to 99.45 which it is at now presently.
If there is a strong support after major negative news you can be confident that it will never reach that low again. Just look at the USD daily chart have the lows of 93 and 95 ever been touched again?[/QUOTE]
How long have you been trading forex?
Dangerous thought pattern there…
Sounds solid. At least it’ll take you longer to blow out your account this way.
Enough about my account. Do you even have an account to blow?
In this thread:
The person with admittedly limited experience posts a thread telling other beginners about a ‘strategy’ that he/she is apparently clairvoyant about, which people tend to call “the blind leading the blind.” Then, after the efficacy and legitimacy of this strategy are called into question to help spare the other learning members from taking potentially misguided advice, the author just throws out strawman arguments and continues the myopic overconfidence.
Ohhh! Such a lush vernacular!
One of the most elegantly composed besmirchings I have ever come across on the internet.
For that, I award you a cookie
The “a” in your sentence is unnecessary. While not improper, it is somewhat needless in this instance. In the presence of such poetic denigration, I can see we need to step up our game.
I’ll help you if you help me. I’ve been known to occasionally leave a participle dangling. I’ll watch that now.
Did your timing and patience also find “absolute lows” on other pairs or assets? If this is your only trade in one year, then maybe you just got real lucky and real smart on one trade. Still not enough IMO to get you through the next years.
[QUOTE=“Master Tang;536469”]
The “a” in your sentence is unnecessary. While not improper, it is somewhat needless in this instance. In the presence of such poetic denigration, I can see we need to step up our game.
I’ll help you if you help me. I’ve been known to occasionally leave a participle dangling. I’ll watch that now.[/QUOTE]
When mustering our grammatical prowess, it is preferable in most elegant written communiques to avoid contractions such as “I’ll” and “I’ve”. One must not shorten the art of linguistics to such a base form in the attempt to save a few grains of sand in the hour glass.
Duly noted. I will (notice that?) avoid such jejune practice in the future.
I have (again notice that?) also observed that most contractions do not (see? I am (again) learning) substantially save in the way of letters, spaces or sand in the hourglass in the first place.
Lmao you guys. I will cherish this cookie forever.
This may be true, but is brevity not the soul of wit?
[QUOTE=“Master Tang;536481”]
Duly noted. I will (notice that?) avoid such jejune practice in the future.
I have (again notice that?) also observed that most contractions do not (see? I am (again) learning) substantially save in the way of letters, spaces or sand in the hourglass in the first place.[/QUOTE]
Ah yes! The writing of a sir is his finest quality to distinguish him from the modern day keyboard savage of our post-grammar society.
You guys are nuts! LOL :18:
Back to regular programming…
Right. Even if he happened to catch a low and ride it out without interfering, exit at the proper time, and avoid being stopped out in the mean time (which is an unlikely feat in itself), it’s also likely he’ll falsely catch what he thinks is the extreme at some other point and quickly begin to give back any profit he may have pulled together.
So it’s not just a matter of catching the proper winners, but avoiding all of the deceptive losers along the way.
Anyway, the very fact that his mind is set on seeing 1000% return in a year pretty much paints the clear picture for everyone else here.
Indubitably! I pity the fool who subjects himself to exist as such a sycophant
Either you didn’t read carefully or you have problems with reading comprehension. I never said I’ve already held a position for over a year now.
I’m not saying I’m a God of Forex. I’m only saying I have a strategy and that it has the potential to work.
Right now I have very limited Capital. Its easy to find lows after major news…maybe it’s presumptuous to say I’ve found the absolute low for the year. But I did find the absolute low for the past 24 hours and that’s all you need to do to make money.
The strategy of finding lows after news is applicable to multiple currencies and how long you want to hold is up to you.