16 candles in the '58 edsel'

these lads have given hints & glimpses of your likely preferences & current v/s previous views since you were last active on here, but where do you imagine you’d have taken the threads had you still been in situ since 2010?

a lot of what you presented nearly 10 years ago is still very much relevant even in today’s market action which is testament to the quality of the framework & templates you shared.
in fact i & other new thread contributors are still probably using 80% of it in our planning every time we research & trigger trades.

do you think situations & circumstances would have influenced the delivery & specifics of your content over that period of time? & what, if any of the material would still be included on the current roster?

That’s an interesting prompter.

We presented that approach back then attempting to offer something that folks could use as a guide to structure their template & maybe anchor a strategy to.

It’s incredibly difficult & virtually impossible to fine tune a specific & precise set up to an individual without working with them exclusively because so much of the personal behavior traits, attitudes, risk & style preferences are missing from the picture, & those are absolutely imperative must haves to fit the complete jigsaw together when matching a process to a specific personality.

Best you can do in these types of scenarios is throw out a bunch of stuff, try & offer a base or foundational structure & steer folks in the general direction, but at the end of the day they have to use whatever intuitive skills they possess to filter & process enough of that information get the job done based around their own variables.

Like everything in life, change impacts & affects what how & when you interact with something, & financial market instruments aren’t immune from that cycle.

Priorities, goals, structures & circumstances will have changed several times with folks since we first introduced those threads & you need to flow with the momentum & tweak accordingly.

If we’d still been active on the forum the past few years the majority of the tools would have still been in play such as directional momentum, sentiment themes, average daily & weekly range percentages & the primary focus on figures/round numbers. The only casualty would be the support & resistance zonal stuff, in favor of the more visible & less subjective period highs & lows which these fella’s have championed.

More clarity & flexibility, less subjectivity & ambiguity & easier to quantify when attempting to review & revise activity & performance.

The herd still exhibit & display typical behavior traits when gambling on markets, always have always will. Fear & greed are highly visible footprints which will reveal themselves to you if you look at the right stuff & the tools described above are sufficient to give you a bright enough signal to get involved, especially the sentiment biases now much more freely available.

We certainly haven’t followed the content on here religiously, but I must admit the stuff you guys post regards pre-market open filtered A & B list candidates is very impressive indeed. I can’t remember many being off key or out of sync at all. That gives you an absolutely huge advantage when prepping & triggering pressured moves via pullback & breakout entries. It also offers variety & opens up multiple opportunities to engage.

Don’t change what you’re doing. It was efficient & effective back in 2007 & it remains so in 2016.

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Very well put Jocelyn, glad everything is working great for you and thankx for all the great effort that you have put in this sight.

With USD floating around in a range recently which probably reflects the neutral data fundamentals I’m interested to see whether Yellen takes anything other than a neutral stance.

Not that fundamentals are really my game but like to keep an eye on these things.

It’s still quite sleepy out there grantyboy. Average range stats are printing between 30-40% on the majority of pairs again this week mirroring the past couple of week’s activity.

Even those pushing larger numbers are barely breaking sweat into the 65-70% levels.
Not particularly conducive conditions for running or maxing out positions.
Smaller objectives & time horizons are the order of the day if set ups reveal themselves.

I don’t think anyone disputes the fact it’s possible to code something [I]along the lines of what’s presented[/I], merely that the folks you’re asking, for whatever reason, aren’t in a position to assist.

Good luck with your objectives though!

Ah, but the yellow brick road of that universe is strewn with the ashes & dust of multitudes of cremated funds/accounts, who also strode out whistling a merry tune.
2 more oft touted superstar performers were scattered along the road only last month.

Don’t get taken in by the big flashy headlines.
Always scroll down a ways & ensure you read the smaller print, where the big picture tells the full story.

Given a choice of backing the tortoise or the hare, we’ll always punt the hard shelled midget :slight_smile:

Guys, I’m sniffing out info on options looking to add an additional heads up on potential sticking & magnet levels on the majors, metals, energy & equity indexes, things such as daily/weekly % changes in open interest & biases etc, & although I’ve scouted a couple of half decent pages they’re a bit fragmented & not very user friendly.

There’s obviously the fee based stuff which I’m not against investing in, but initially I just want to get a feel for the info & play around with some figures & numbers to see how or if it offers additional interest to the daily/weekly range & session high/low levels.

You’ve mentioned a couple times how important the big option levels are & especially the expansion/contraction of o.i when dictating & orchestrate pricing on spot pairs, so I’d like to see where it takes me.

You want something like a cumulative heat map with all the relevant info in one space.
If you haven’t already discovered this section, give it a whirl & see if it fits: Open Interest Heatmap

Tab through the specifics along the top bar to locate product groupings, durations etc & down the side to change your frame of reference.

If you require clarification or further information on anything feel free to contact Nick & his team @Bantix/Quickstrike who provide the data. They’re very approachable & are good eggs.

:slight_smile: no i hadn’t yet come across that material, & as you say all the info appears to be in one place & easily accessible which will make life a whole lot easier when referencing the data.

thanks very much laine, i’ll have a good snout around & if i need confirmation on anything i’ll be sure & contact their team.

great stuff.

Thanks Soultrain, DoubleEcho.

We seem to be lacking charts on this thread recently so here’s one to kick us off. It’s not on my front-burner but it’s one to keep an eye on - USDCAD is flirting with 1.32 and has the potential for a continuation buy or reversal back short.

1.32 is a big level clearly signposted on the daily charts which has capped prices since April. We’ve still got bullish pressure at the moment with higher highs and lows but I’d prefer to be conservative and wait to see some confirmation of a breakout or reversal before getting back into this pair.

First downside support is at 1.3030 which coincides with last week’s low. To the upside you have to go back to Q1 to pick up potential resistance at 1.33 and 1.34.

What’s on your front burner Matt?

eurgbp to the upside is still on the docket of the smarter gamblers, particularly as stats still show mid to heavy sales on that pair (always a good solid signal to fade the numpties)

They’ve been lumping in longs on gbpjpy since w/comm Sept 5, as they have on cadjpy & gbpchf so those 3 should have been on the A list for shorts last week following the lower high pullback flows south.

Oil has attracted strong buys last 6 business day’s - therefore another prime short then!
Again, just follow the southerly flows via b/o or p/b plays. It’s turning over again today just as more long bets pile in, lol.

Not too much straining at the bit yet, but pockets of decent value about if you overlay the template & let the pressure be your guide!

Yep I’ve got the same - EURGBP, CADJPY and GBPCHF. Oil is in a range between 46 and 47 so I’d want to see if break out to the downside before looking to enter that.

I’d also add Gold to the list for potential continuation shorts to test the 1305-1306 support.

haha :slight_smile: that literally is a strategy all of its own, especially given open access to percentage weighting stats from the brokers these days.

No technical, fundamental or alternative analysis required, simply observe where the overweight accumulation of retail positioning is, identify & match the strongest of the typical behavioural characteristics this approach is based on & place a bet opposite to the herd.

Just a shame we don’t get to see the finer detail or breakdown of that data in anywhere near as much depth as you guys. That really would stack the probability cards much more favourably.

You don’t really need to though. You get an adequate enough view of the generic landscape via the publicly available data from the larger retail shops & outlets, such as fxcm & oanda + you can access facebook & of course your own personal providers. These days they all seem to offer a continuous insight into their own punter gambling profiles.

There’s very little difference between any of them percentage wise because the punters at these shops are like sheep, executing similar low probability models & approaches, which is reflected in that data’s footprint.

What can’t speak can’t lie

It’s why we’ve constantly advised you guys to keep that info at the forefront of your check lists, ensuring you can use it in tandem with your usual tactics to increase the efficiency & effectiveness of your activity.

I hope during all of these exchanges it’s become more than apparent that at this level of the game you really don’t need very much to stay ahead of the majority out there, because in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king!

Hope you’ve had a tickle on one or two of those joggers this week Matt.
Some more nice follow through momentum to get stuck into!

Indeed EURGBP paid out nicely yesterday as it broke out early in the morning and traded up to stop and reverse at it’s ADR for a 4R gain.

Over the course of the last few months, I’ve done a lot more with (FTSE) stocks.

Still looking out for the same set-up’s – trends then breakouts or pullbacks.

One’s on my watchlist at the minute:

Can I ask though, do you guys see the same type of bets coming into stocks that you see in the currencies and indices? All the anti-directional flow? Or anything you would say is different?
I guess there’s a slight difference between the long side & short side in stocks, so I wonder if that affects the general flow of trader’s bets? cheers

How are [B]you[/B] personally finding the transition from forex to stocks overlaying the same template?
It’s not a trick question, it’s a genuine enquiry :slight_smile:

The personality of the participant can be different. More experienced campaigners, especially via the well capped punters.
Obviously that will result in a much more varied style selection (including automated models) with more emphasis on shorter term visits to the table.

But yes, those punters we’ve been associated with for a good spell & interact with who set their stall out in a very similar theme to the one we advocate, do very well adopting that type of game play…& yes, you still witness the same behavior traits from the ‘usual candidates’ betting stocks as you do in forex.

You’ll be pleased to know the gambling world is no different on that side of the track kechel :wink:

Pressure is pressure. Its impact is magnified from a micro angle via sub hourly charts & carries less visual impact from a macro perspective via a daily, weekly & monthly chart, but it’s still the same pressure regardless where you view it from.

It’s all just visual perception isn’t it.
If you process it more clearly & logically by looking at daily bars then use that focal point.
If corpellan or anyone else prefers to get up close & personal then they’ll use the appropriate viewfinder. But it’s essentially the exact same information being viewed through different lenses.

corpellan’s post #887 explained exactly why aud/cad was ranking high on the A list leading into Monday & why he was thereofre focusing on it into early week action, so if you also managed to get aboard seeking out a potential rollover bet on that one, you succeeded….well done!

Look, we’ve been here before forexspot.
It’s not our business or job to dictate how you digest & process information.
What appears simple to one individual might seem complicated to another & vice versa.

Everyone’s brain works & functions differently in similar scenarios, which is why in these types of endeavor results are quite often polar opposites. That’s just the way it is & unfortunately it’s something only you can address & resolve.

No amount of persuasion, encouragement or insistence from us or anyone else will alter or change your core belief structures.

We’ve presented a simple set of guides to accompany a straightforward framework of observing, filtering & applying an approach to engage the market via whichever time duration you choose. It’s the same information for everyone.

How or what frame/s of reference you all use is your choice. We’ve encouraged you to embrace & adopt styles that you find comfortable utilizing in which the template is a man for all seasons. It’s perfectly capable of accommodating the different preferences.

There’s a plentiful supply of information & examples within the content of the thread, some of which has been addressed multiple times for folks to revisit.
But at the end of the day there’s only so much we can do.

Successful punters don’t keep toxic bets on the book. They’re constantly chopping stuff out & shuffling things around because they know that if they’re playing a tactic that offers up multiple opportunities to engage they don’t need to tie good money up waiting for circumstances to slot into place. If need be they’ll stick it on the back burner for future reference.

You’re only really punting 2 directional set ups wrapped around a tight framework.
You’re going to get a decent supply of gambles to get your teeth into most weeks so don’t sit on bets that are causing you undue stress & certainly don’t waste time crying over spilt milk.

It’s a numbers game.

And you never know, eventually when/if you manage to get into a more comfortable groove the cogs between your ears might begin to whirl contemplating the possible opportunities presenting themselves for bets that get canned when the directional momentum runs out of steam…especially if they run out steam on & around session highs & lows & round numbers :slight_smile: