3 duck system on one graph

When reading the 3 duck system, you would require a 5min 1hr 4hr charts with a 60sma. Am i correct with the following to be placed on one 5min graph which will display all three correctly in 5mins?

5min chart

  1. 60 sma
  2. 720 sma (represents 60 sma on 1 hr chart?)
  3. 2880 sma (represents 60 sma on 4 hr chart?)

Well, in your reading, I guess you didn’t get as far as post #7 in that thread.

If you had, you would have found the answer to your question — 301 Moved Permanently

Only started on this forum couple of days ago and didn’t know there was a 3 duck system thread here, so i guess i didn’t get as far as post 7