3 Little Pigs Trading System

Hi force99

I think you may be referring to setting the MA on mt4. If so the “Apply to:” box is normally left to “Close”, its effectively the default setting. Same applies to setting the 34 and 21 sma’s. Also when setting the MA you can use Visualization tab to restrict the MA to certain timeframes eg the 55 is restricted to weekly, 21 to daily and 34 to 4 hour charts. This avoids having lots of sma’s on every chart.

Hope this helps and good luck

Many thanks Four Candles, that really helps.

Hi FourCandles,

How was October and November treating you?

Yeah updated results would be great and appreciated.

How long do you have to wait between signals? Once you get a good strong signal are there usually follow up signals in line with the first one?

Hi all and all the best for 2015, the results for the fixed target approach for 2014 are attached showing +65% for the year, both 2013 and 2014 have been positive years.

3LP Fixed Target 2014 Aug-Dec.pdf (88.5 KB)

Thanks for posting the results FourCandles:)

It is nice to see that this system performed well last two years.

It would be very interesting to see how it performs in comparison with HarmonicPhil approach.

All the best for 2015.

So after 3 profitable years - How had January started off - Your updates are much appreciated.

A quick question, is this not just too simple in that its had 3 positive years of 50%+, what has been your maximum draw down out of interest.

Does anyone know a system/EA for news trading?


AD19FX, this is one that made money for me for more than 1 years now:

Hi Kneesup
We have actually had two profitable years, just hoping for a third. The results for January 2015 are the best month so far, 827 pips and the account is up 76%, results attached.

Is it too simple? it does seem like it, but you can’t argue with the results and they are all there for checking or challenging. Perhaps we think strategies must be complicated, for me its just about results and the simpler the strategy the better.

Regarding draw down the worst consecutive run was 9 losing trades so about 18% draw down if you commenced trading at the start of that losing run.

Will update with Feb results in a month

All the best and good luck.
3 LP fixed target results jan15.pdf (48.4 KB)

Well - Wow and Wow - Thanks so much for the update - Suppose its tricky to now have a losing year - Really do appreciate your updates.

Any chance harmonic - how does this compare with the approach you are using ?

Hi all, due to circumstances I’ve not been able to follow my approach for the last month or so. However, looking at the charts I can see that the approach would have been successful in January with USDCAD the standout. From the buy signal from the 20th Jan the trade is currently up over 700 pips.

Thanks for the update.

Sure I tested this out as well. It does’t perform as many of these ‘profiles’ on here suggest. It is an OK strategy but just remember that it is portrayed here in a good ‘light’ as at the the end of the day, the idea is to sell you an indicator and the one to one. :wink:

Thanks for the results. I would love to see some ‘real’ results. Surely one of you successful strategy traders care to share your results on MyFxbook or the like?

I created a chart of the trade results posted by “Four Candles” from January 2014 to the end of January 2015. My main intent was to get an idea of what size drawdowns could be expected using four candles’ fixed SL & TP system.

The 2 month period between early October to late November was pretty brutal. I wonder how many people would have continued to trade the system if they had started at the beginning of this drawdown. You need to really trust your system to continue after losing 840 pips.

I will be trading the 3LP system using Four Candles’ SL and TP guidelines. I will be posting my results periodically.

Four Candles, thanks again for posting your detailed trade results.

Its an OK but you seem to think its just about selling an indicator, where was that mentioned? I’m four candles and I don’t do indicators, guides or the like. Get your facts right

@ four candles


New to this forum but not trading. Based in UK. Skimmed through this thread and thought it would be interesting to backtest. A good start point would be to try and replicate your results as I noted you have kindly posted several documents with details of your trades. So I can setup my backtest to try and match yours could you please advise/confirm following:-

  1. The time setting your trades use ( GMT, other etc.)
  2. You mentioned I think you were using ETX as broker? Are you also using their MT4 and MT4 historical data for testing or a different data feed.
  3. I noticed on the results you posted (have not checked all docs) that the later ones have trade entry prices but the earlier ones do not. Do you have (or would it be easy to produce) a single spreadsheet with all trades to date including the entry price. This would make cross checking backtest to your results a lot easier :wink:
  4. You have your 4 hour bars setup to be based from 0:00 each day?
  5. Your week starts Monday 0:00?
  6. Your entry rules follow the standard Forex Useful rules. In particular when checking weekly and daily closes versus their averages you are looking at last completed candle (i.e. prev week/day) and not the candle still forming?


No further trades , the existing AUD/USD and USD/CAD trades are heading in the right direction.