I want to take the 34ema line from a M5 chart and plot it into my M15 chart.
How can I do this.
Please note that I don’t want to just plot say a 11ema onto my M15 chart (not that I’m sure the maths is correct anyway) because two thirds of the data on the closing prices would be lost.
If anyone has an expert indicator I know enough to put it in the correct folder on mt4
I’m not sure what you’re asking…what I do is when I get a chart set the way I like with all my MA’s and indicators I simply right click on the chart, select Template, then Save, then name the template. You can then load all your currency pairs this way if you wish. Does this answer your question?
sorry no.
I have all my indicators except one loaded on my M15 chart. My last indicator is the 34ema on the M5 chart. What I have to do is have both a M15 and M5 chart running and work out in my head where the plot of the 34ema would be on the M5 chart. This is not really ideal at all as I’ve got information in 2 places rather than 1.
So, basically, you want the M5 EMA to display exactly the same plot on your M15 chart, right, as opposed to simply putting the EMA on your M15 chart?
If so, I believe there’s a way to do it, but it requires a specially written indicator (EA?). Check the MetaTrader forum at Forex Factory. I believe I read it in there.