
Does anyone have any info or experience with 4xisland.com? They are marketing pretty heavy in my area and would like to have some input…

Its a MLM company where they are selling $6,000.00 forex trading sytem. When you talk to the sales people they are making money off selling , not trading the system. The originator of the system is Richard Ottley. He has a website and does managed accounts . He had a -4% return last month. Google his name.

Hey LV4X,

Where have they been marketing at? Just wondering. I haven’t seen or heard of them before.

I know 4xmadeeasy has been pushing hard here. Of course newbies, do not put a dime into it! You learn more here and it is a SCAM.

In Las Vegas, They have signs all over the place…and I would never put a dime into anything like that. I was just curious as to what they were about. I know its a total scam. The sales guys are the worst I have ever talked to…its like they hire telemarketers for 7$ an hour…pretty funny.

Oh, haven’t noticed. :slight_smile: Maybe I should go on a seek and destroy mission around town and rip their signs down. LOL. Better yet, get some spray paint and put on the signs I find 'VIVA LA RESISTANCE. VIVA BABYPIPS.COM" :D:D

JK. It wouldn’t be worth it. Much rather be pimpin my pips. :slight_smile:

The signs say “make 250k a year” “currency education”

I saw one on Tropicanna and 95, a few down Charleston (near the Bonanza end)

I have been talking to them for a bit , really giving them a hard time…

Guess they haven’t made it up toward my neck of the woods here. Suprised they aren’t getting closer to the strip. Think they would have a better chance of getting one of the out of towners then a local. :smiley:

Hey, they should hit the guy up who just won $7M on the $5 WOF machine at Wynn. Too bad he gets his payments over 20 years.


I did a little research and just to clarify. 4xIsland is not a MLM company. They have independent sales reps, who were responsible for the signs in Vegas. The reps make a commission for selling the product just like any other sales person. They teach three strategies: a swing strategy, long term, and day trading strategy. Apparently the swing strategy did not do great during the last few months of 2007, mostly due to the credit crisis, but the long term strategy did excellent. They believe one of the keys to their system and education is their money management tools and correct diversification across strategies. They also offer coaching and a couple of workshops each year. As we all know the amount of money we make from trading is related to how much we have in the account, money management including leverage, and a good strategy. I believe the $250k, they post on signs can be made up either by trading, marketing or both.

Happy Trading!!!

Is this the same guys that had a company called Pig4X?


No, actually, I have no idea. :smiley:

I have gotten to know Richard Ottley(4xIsland Guru) and I am pretty positive he had nothing to do with a company by the name of Pig4x.