A Little bit about me

Hey everyone :wave: my name is Sophie. I’m 21 years old and I’m from Dublin in Ireland. I’m a complete newbie to this and all the help would be appreciated :wink: I’ve always had an interest in trading and with it being the new year I’m finally ready to take my first steps :raising_hand_woman: I’m looking forward to learning new tips and tricks :ok_hand:t3:

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Hi Sophie, im aslo kinda new. Im from the netherlands. Just started a few weeks ago. I have found a real honest youtube channel without fake courses. He does not want to sell anything just a honest man. He even has a video thats called “why more women should trade forex”

The channel is called: “No nonsens forex” from a guy called VP.

His approach is different than other Channels and i have found alot of succes in backtesting his strategy. Im now forward testing it. He uses the daily chart so you only have to manage trades 1-2 hours a day, so its great when your still working your dayjob. The best time to start according his strategy is 5pm NY time. So around 9-11pm in dublin.

Good luck.

Hi Sophie, welcome to the BabyPips community. Start with the education section here if you’re not doing that yet. Start with the free stuff there’s so much free stuff to get you started. Hope to hear more from you.

I know that you would have thought a lot before you decided to trade forex. But because you have made the decision, make sure that you understand the requirements well and what you will be required to do in the market to become successful.