A Neat Trick To Know If You Have a Swing Trade Opportunity

In FOREX trading, it can sometimes be difficult to find swing trade opportunities, especially if you want a profit greater than two times your risk (1:2 RR).

Oh sure, you can read all that fancy chart stuff, but I have found a really neat trick. I use world events to give me an idea of when a FOREX swing trade opportunity might develop. Here are those events:

  • The formation of a 3-meter stalactite

  • Every other leap year

  • Every time the US congress passes a law

  • The next eruption of Mount St. Helens

  • The formation of a 3-meter stalagmite

  • The next Year of the Rooster

By waiting for these next world events, you can time your next FOREX swing trade with ultimate precision.

Happy trading! :grinning:


:rofl: Good one.

Iā€™m working on a few more, you know, just to give me an edge :upside_down_face:

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