A new guy here ready to learn

Hlw everyone am Allan and I’m here to try something new. I love learning new things to build my experiences in life, it’s my dream to be a huge trader so starting from the beginning and ending with high knowledge. I came here to learn as much as I can, so I can use this opportunity to make my dream come true. Thank you.

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welcome. This education site is a great learning process. best of luck.

Welcome to the forum and you are on right track.

I think it’s great that you’re determined to absorb as much knowledge as you can before diving in. :blush: I think that will better prepare you for forex. :smiley: Haha. But good luuuck! I wish you all the best. :blush:

Hello and welcome @Allanior_255!

This post might help you with your learning.

Welcome to the community! Focus on improving your skills by practising on a demo account and when you are ready to go live, invest a small amount.