A Real Trading Edge, Quantified: Trading and Stop Management

I actually refuted your point before you even made it… in a previous post on this thread. Please quote that post if you have a more detailed argument to make. Again… why do you believe the market is “mostly random”? Who brainwashed you into believing that?

What’s your average Maximum Adverse Excursion and Leakage?

10 pips and I don’t know what Leakage is

Do you think the market is moving just because you have seen a technical pattern or that your RSI is telling to buy? Market is moving by various actors (hedgers -no interest in speculation-, by central banks -can be politically oriented-, hedge funds -speculator-, London fixing, fear, greed, etc… every actors acting in the market have different reasons, interest, goals,… to enter/exit the market. A fair buying price for you may be a fair selling price for another, this will cause the market to move in MOST part randomly.

Are you reading from a teleprompter? You sound brainwashed my friend.

There is more active deception at work in the markets than you are willing to accept it seems like.

Keep it up. :slight_smile:

Leakage means the exit of money (liquidity) from the market. It (Leakage) results in a gap between what is supplied (expressed in slippage) and what is demanded (expressed as slippage).

I trade in the most liquid FX pairs, and I don’t think I’m a big enough fish for this to be a concern for me.

because you never work on a trading desk. Any trader doing size must ensure to execute at the lowest transaction cost possible, this is when you need to seek pool of liquidity

Yeah, I’ve heard. That’s a headache I’m glad I don’t have to deal with.

I like how you make it sound so easy. :slight_smile:

With those sorts of returns, investors will be smashing down your door and putting a gun to your head to trade for them. The average hedge fund returned a little over 6% last year.

May i ask you to move this apassionate discussion on a new thread and let the original thread to continue? There are some of us that are interested in reading the original topic.

Thank you

OP can you please share with us “neophytes” how you trade the markets. You seem like a true pro :35:

neophytes is a new provider on zulutrade?

Well considering that Art Vandalay is akaekamai/AK3/aquapip/johncarpainter in his umpteenth incarnation I don’t think you will see that happen.

How are you so good at figuring out who these trolls really are?? Seriously BPs own Sherlock

Aaron really isn’t that subtle, these days, plus he generally baits the same people on the same sort of issues.

I guess I never paid enough attention to him in the first place to be able to figure it out under his various guises.

This is another example of why I spend less time on this forum: great thread starts (meihua, really great stuff) then it deviates and fizzles out because of a minority of trouble makers…

To be honest, I asked the mods to clean this up so we could get back on track. They haven’t. I am just making a notice now. If i see you derailing this thread. I am going to ignore you personally. I have given plenty of warnings already and I guess BP is just a place where you gotta be your own policeman.

I do like sharing this content, i have made it abundantly clear that its not for everyone. It probably takes someone who is significantly on their trading journey to be able to take something away from this. But it seems that i do have several readers who are still interested. So i will try to keep up the work.

Thank you! It is instructive to read your posts.