A System that can't Lose

Yes the pip machine is adding up…:smiley:

Are you trading live Mich?

Last night I was looking at the audusd, which of course has progressed on since my example I used for showing the fib sets on corrections. It did not develop into a corrective wave, (or gartley), but it did develop into a downtrend with a 5 point wave pattern too…(and became the partner to a gartley which is a butterfly). I used the APP fibs to find a level it might end at.

There were 3 possible APP levels (red horizontal lines) that one could have traded with some profit or at least breakeven…the 100%, 127% and the last one, the low on the chart at 200%. I missed the first 2 but I did trade the 3rd one. That line also converged at 2 another retracement fib sets I drew. Another thing I noticed was a bullish divergence between price and the stochs.

So I entered long where that thick blue line is at .8978 with a 30 pip stoploss… and not long later was up +35 which I closed because I wanted to go to bed…lol.

However, this morning, it was up over a 100 pips and is now bouncing off that blue downtrend line. I’m thinking I should just move my stop to break even and set a trailing stop…:wink:


Hi Sweet Pip,

Good to hear you are making pips on AUD/USD. I am sticking to EUR/USD for now. Yes I am trading live.

I hate seeing you giving back your hard earned pips. Basically I tend to grab and run and if I see the trade is drifting from what I thought it should be (Read --> Mich trade your chart not your opinion!), then I just close it with whatever profit I can collect.


P.S.1 that plot of yours looks interesting.
P.S.2 Amazon have dispatched another copy of Miner’s book to me as the first one was returned by DHL to Amazon due to incomplete address!

Sounds like we hit the 38.2% based on retracement on Wave 5 (1.4838). If that is the case then one can assume that corrective Wave A (the blue line) is complete and we will be seeing corrective Wave B (an uptrend) stretching up to 61.8% of Wave A?

Also please note the direction of RSI indicating an up move.


EURUSD_daily_20091029.pdf (51.3 KB)

The audusd has been “expensive”. I would wait for it to go “on sale” before buying.


At last I received the Miner’s book. I wait and see whether both the daily and 4-hour EUR/USD charts confirm the model tonight (COB), before posting anything


I just received it too! It’s totally worth it.

Sweet Pip where r u? :rolleyes:

Hi Wrtm,

I believe you also use DealBook360. Could you kindly advise me what method you use to insert charts here. I have Abode PDF professional so I print to adobe and attach the PDF file. I can also take a screen capture and save it as a gif file etc. However, I find the resolution on GIFs, JPEGS not that good. Any suggestions are welcome.

I guess Sweet Pip is counting her pips now!


I’m here…lol.

Been a little busy with Halloween festivities, but now that that’s over, I can get back into it. Just want to make sure I totally understand the time cycles as I don’t see too many traders around here using them, if at all.

For those using MT4, you’ll find the Fibonacci Time Zone tool very handy for this. It comes default with the fib number sequence, but you’ll need to change them to the fib ratios…382, .618, 1.00, 1.618 instead.

More to come soon…:slight_smile:

Sure! Actually I do use the print screen function, then upload the images in photobucket, and when I write the post I only copy/paste the IMG Code that photobucket gives me.

Please feel free to ask if you have further questions. Can’t wait to see your charts. :slight_smile:

Slow down party girl!:smiley: Time to get back to work, lol. I have like five books to read so not much progress with this way of trading but for what I’ve been searching lately elliot waves are a very important part of trading along with fibonacci ratios, that being said by two different institutional traders.

Stages described by Miner’s pretty much cover all the aspects involved in a trade, so there’s no room for “guessing”, that’s pretty cool.

Anyway keep up the good work girl!

Have not read that book yet but from today’s closing prices on daily EUR/USD , we see the green candle half mast with closing price at 50% of Fib. I guess we are going to see the next candle being red. If I am right this is the period of consolidation before another wave starts. I am not sure but perhaps there is no correction here. The 4-hour chart does not tell me much either.


EURUSD_daily_20091102.pdf (51.3 KB)

Ok, here’s an intro to Fib Time Zones (Cycles).

As we calculated sections of price ranges by fib ratios, we do the same with thing with time ranges. Price ratios are marked with horizontal lines, and time ratios are marked with vertical lines. We try to find where both price and time projections intersect.

This is just to a brief overview of the technique…reading the book will definitely help as there are many more examples and info to consider, and the reasoning behind it all. As well, the time frame momentum needs to be considered if/when price reaches those projections.

MT4’s Fibonacci Time Zone tool is perfect for this. Once you change the default settings from the fib number sequence to the ratio’s, you are ready to draw. Miner’s book really only covers corrections because trends involve more sets of projections and calculations which apparently is more difficult to do unless you have “The Software”…of course :rolleyes:

So, for Corrective patterns, we will need at least 3 sets of fibs again. Also, the minimum setup needs to exist meaning we need a reasonably assumed A & B after a trend. Again, colorizing the time fib sets is recommended.

Fib Set 1: Use the Time Zone tool and draw from the beginning to the end of the trend. This time fib is then moved “as is” so that the 0% is repositioned to the end of the trend…forward projecting the time length trend into the future (pink vertical lines).

Key levels are the 38.2 & 61.8% vertical lines for basic 3 section ABC corrections, and 100% for complex corrections.

Fib Set 2: This is thought of like the Alternate Price Projections (APP), but because this is about time, its called the Alternate Time Projection (ATP). This time fib is used to narrow down the rather wide time range between the 38 & 61.8% time range of feb set 1. With the time zone fib tool, draw from the end of wave 5 to the end of corrective wave A, and move it to B (Green vertical lines).

Key levels are 61.8, 100 & 161.8%

Fib Set 3: This time fib measures the time between recent low-low and recent high-high. If the time “rhythm” continues, the next low or high should complete in the same time. Draw a time fib from the last 2 most average lows, and then move to the last low.

Key level is 100%

The Time Target Zone: We now have 6 key dates as marked with the vertical fib time lines. Just like with the price projections, we look for dates that group close together.

The following chart is the H4 GBPUSD. I have marked both the price & time fib sets and circled the possible price target and time target for a C to reverse from…assuming I did it correctly…lol…which is projected to complete in 4 more bars (16 hours).

I have a short trade currently open using a trendline break, and I’m targeting where C could possibly end…again assuming it even tries to get there. We never know what price will do, but given the information we have so far, we work with it. I have a 30 pip loss, for a 100 pip gain.


Well the red candle turned up correct so far for today on EUR/USD daily. The point would be if we see today’s price breaks through 61.8% fib line.

One way or other I am still collecting the pips.


EURUSD_daily_20091103.pdf (51.1 KB)

hey sweetpip, know you from tmoneybafs thread, great that you are also in robert miners system.

one question, can you explain how to draw these fibs with metatrader, I don´t get it what miner means with internal/external, app should be a fib expansion of ab to c, right?


Well as it happened (see the attached chart) EUR/USD daily broke through the 61.8% fib before retreating back.

I think we are now seeing the corrective Wave C which in so far as the theory goes is the longest of the corrective waves and it overlaps with corrective wave A.

I am not sure whether I am into all those Fib ratios. I believe they may convolute things. My view is that the role of the indicator (in this case RSI) is very important as it clearly shows the projected expectation.

Bottom line is that if the object of the excercise is collecting pips then I am happy with the wave itself (dominant and corrective) plus RSI.

What makes this method so useful (IMO) is the high degree of probability that the wave pattern generates (directional) and with the help of RSI we have a likely limit where the short term trend is going to change (likely limit).

I collected 72 pips shorting today for 5 standard lots and each pip represents just under £31. So I made £2220. I am not complaining

I have now opened one standard lot “buy” position. Opened a bit too early so I am 6 pips behind but not going to lose my sleep on that.


EURUSD_daily_20091103.pdf (51.8 KB)

Well I wouldn’t complain at all! lol great results.

Are you trading all the waves?

Hi LUD…looks like you’re doing well with the butterflies & gartleys…good job :slight_smile: Do you have Miner’s book too?

Not sure what you do & don’t understand exactly, so pls don’t mind if I explain stuff you may already know. Did you read this post I made about the different fib sets for a correction?

Miner’s methods are basically the same as what you do with the gartley’s and butterflies.

The internal and external fibs are plotted with the RETRACEMENT or EXTENSION fib tool, but we use the internal fibs in one fib set, and the external fibs in another fib set…we use 2 fib sets with this tool to predict & confirm where a probable reversal will occur.

The APP’s are drawn with MT4’s EXPANSION fib tool.

The first fib…When you draw a gartley or butterfly, you start with the XA leg. That is basically the same as the 12345 trend pattern. The basic fib is drawn along that trend leg with the retracement/extension tool, and the rest of the pattern is contained within…“internally” to…that fib…thus internal fibs.

The 2nd fib…The EXPANSION fib is a short cut. TMoneyBags gets you to draw with the retracement/extension tool from B to A, and then move it onto C. Instead, you can draw from A-B and anchor the expansion arm to C. Where the 100% fib level is, that gives you your perfect AB=CD. Two ways of doing the same thing for the same outcome…drawing the APP’s. For the ABC pattern, you are still using the same points only they are named differently being 0ABC instead of the gartley’s ABCD.

The 3rd fib…this is drawn, again with the basic retracement/extension tool, from B to A and we look at where it’s external fibs land. We’re not really using this fib much with the gartley’s although TMoneyBags does describe them in his first posts. They are used to confirm and converge with the key levels of the first 2 fibs.

Let me know if you need further clarification and I’ll see about charting an example.


Now who’s counting all his pips…:smiley:

I know, the charts can get awful messy with all those fibs :eek:

What’s the difference between RSI & Stochs?..if you put both on a chart with the same period setting, they pretty much swing up and down at the same places, and they both swing between 0 & 100. Miner really only uses them for the dual timeframe direction momentum , but you use them differently?


Well admittedly I prefer to trade with the dominant waves. The corrective ones are much trickier as we already know. Actually many experts argue that in some cases they may not be any corrective weaves. Few days I avoided any position with corrective waves but by drawing channels you get the drift and can make few pips as well. Also I tend to close my positions when I feel that the momentum is lost (or I have earned enough). Today after closing that 72 pips position I noticed that the downtrend was still continuing. Well one of those things.

I have not read Mr Miner’s book yet (though like the nice green color wrap) so I can be excused of being ignorant.


5 books. What 5 books? How did you choose which books to read? If 95% of traders lose, I would look for a book that is different from all of the other books or at least the approach is different from the other books. Good luck to you.