Accuracy of backtesting in Metatrader

I was running some tests of simple EAs in Metatrader and noticed that on results page it mentions accuracy of the whole testing, a percentage.
I was testing on 1 minute timeframe, selecting ‘every tick’ option.
Why is it no 100% accurate?
I was getting accuracy results ~70%


TKY from experience perfect systems are not existent and quite theoretical
>70% is good enough for a logical system.
Run the same on a demo and see what happens first.

Grix, I did not mean quality of my EA, I was referring to MODELLING QUALITY. Sorry for not making it very clear.

So my question is, if I choose “every tick” modelling mode, then why overall modelling quality is not 100%. Depending on EA, sometimes it is as low as 25%. If it’s not 100% then what is missing in backtesting vs testing it using demo or real account …?