Ok, Well if you have a system, you might wanna explain it a little here so we can give insight and see maybe where you are going wrong. Besides that, What does your system contain? Are you using support and resistance? FIBO marks? Going with trend or counter trend?.. at first forex is crazy and you think you can’t win because all your trades lose and every time you think you figured it out, you lose again. Well that’s the road to success believe it or not. YOU WILL FAIL MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE SUCCEEDING. But once succeeding it will all pay off, that is why it is important to never give up and keep trying. DEMO DEMO DEMO a ton if you haven’t already, even if you have continue to do so. Like i said, without knowing what your system is it is hard to give insight directly related to it.
hello Ryan, i’m afraid that’s how it is from the beginning. learning not to give up is there key. trade smaller lots that way you don’t lose so much but you get to learn how to trade with real money and the emotions needed to control it well.
I think its wise advise , and also the other advise is trade with more carefully after get that bad experience , maybe its hard to achieve for defeat but honestly its will make the maturity of mental to do best agan in future to not face the same problem again
Only those traders always loss that have to planing for their trading. If you use a good trading system with proper money management, then you can get profit from market as well.
Losing is part of forex trading but you need to understand the market through proper learning and demo practicing. I think you should try and put in more effort and go back and find out where you mistake is coming from.
A trader how makes only loss is the one without any trading plan or he is trading in gambling style, you need to learn properly and then start trading in order to be successful in forex market.
If you have no idea why the trade went against you, it is time to pause and study very carefully! Badluck happens to everyone ( unexpected natural event, surprise speech, low volum spikes…) but you need to at least have an idea of what went wrong!
There are reasons for a trade winning and there are reasons for its loss. If a trader knows both then he is doing right thing, otherwise he needs to keep learning and stay away from real account trading.
Actually, it’s not your system that’s bad but most of the time you’re unable to control your emotion. You always deviate from your trading plan due to emotion of Greed or Fear.
If you find hard time controlling your emotion then consider automating your system.
This is normal. Just be careful not to get the impression that the market is always against you. Set your mind on your goal, and pay attention to details. Learn consistently.
It could also be that your just having a losing period, every trader goes through this phase. If that’s the case, i’d recommend for every trade you lose you reduce your risk, this makes it easier to get your capital up once your through the losses.
No one can be perfect diectly when doing any job , certainly loss will face him at early doing any job causes from poor knowledge and less experiences , then by time always loss will be reduced to get better result
Loss is a part of forex trading but if you making losses continuously then you should avoid trading for a while and analyze what mistakes you have done and what are its remedial measures.
Lack of proper knowledge and lack of understanding of forex market are the key factor that causes loses in anyone’s trading account. A trader should learn in demo account at least for 1 full year if he wants to avoid loss in his real account.
It may be because of an improper money management. Picking incorrect lot size for your trades, overholding them or closing too quickly. There are no bad trading systems you just need to carry out numerous tests on demo to see how it should work.
And keep track on your emotions, don’t try to revenge losses, placing hasty trades. It will surely lead you to a loss
[QUOTE=“BerlinT;703874”]the more time u spend in learning the better it will be for u in the end, and remember that still 95% of traiders dont get any proffit[/QUOTE]
99% of traders consistently loose money. i know, bc I’m one of them and most of the people here are too. i’ve tried everything, but the kitchen sink… any suggestions?
Have you analysed your trading to see if you can spot whats been going wrong?
Perhaps too many indicators? Overtrading? Revenge trading? News trading?
There are a lot of possibilities, hope you can find yours and eradicate it