Amazing Crossover System - 100+ pips per day!

Cable: +16 pips
Eur/USD: +37 pips

I have locked in profit on both trades and I am no longer risking any of my capital.

Remember: PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL! :slight_smile:

Letā€™s hope they keep going up!

Itā€™s cool the note the correlation of these two pairs.



wait for both AC and AO to go to same color and RSI to cross 0 and usually MACD will be crossed or at least heading in the same direction of the trade. As for me, time for me to get to bed as I never get to trade good time due to college. Hopefully i can find good long term trading system because im getting tired of scalping at 7am-10am only. want make more good pips on my live account and get built up for when I can trading London session to it fullest so ill be demoing this and trying to help with method as much as i can.

Greetings everyone,

I BOUGHT the guppy (GBP/JPY) @ 136.94 due to a valid signal.

I reduced my lot size to .05 because I have two other trades open.

I now have 3 trades open simultaneously!

Wish me luck,


Greetings everyone,

Well, I decided to get bold and had 4 open orders at once. I had SOLD the USD/CAD @ 1.2923. Itā€™s still open at the moment, down slightly.

The other three trades went crazy!

The guppy totally turned on me and cost me 25 bucks.

The cable also turned on me and hit my +3 S/L.

The Eur/USD was bouncing all over the place and I got sick of it, so I manually closed it for +26 pips.

I came out ahead in the end, but what a fiasco!


Starting Balance: 1,000
Current Balance: 1,130
Pip Gain: +106 pips
Win Ratio: 9/12 (69%)
Equity Increase: 10.6%

I came out ahead because I had reduced my lot size to .05 for that damned guppy. I hate cross currencies and should have known better!

I donā€™t like losing trades! :frowning:

Anyways, Iā€™m still in profit for now, so Iā€™m not too upset.

Iā€™ll keep you posted.


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Itā€™s ok Phantom, no system is perfect, no one.

Now, the system change a little with this thread isnā€™t it?

I think itā€™s time to make some kind of summary with [U]all the importants details [/U]of the methode as it is right now.

With that, itā€™s will be more easy to try to improve it a little more.


Get rid of the AO and AC indicator and try using PSAR with .02 and .2 and when first dot lines up with the RSI usually indicates good trade. Though if you only enter on first dot you miss few good trade or wont get valid signal for awhile with some pair but looking back on few pairs looks promising.

Greetings everyone,

Aye aye aye!

After all my turmoil and frustration last night, I wake up to find that the EUR/USD ended up going up about +200 pips, after I had cashed out at +26!! :mad:

I won my USD/CAD trade for +46 pips, even though it also went down for a few hundred pips!! :mad: What is worse is the fact that I used a .01 lot size because I had 3 other trades open at the time and was trying to avoid a margin call!!

I AM DEPRESSED. :frowning:

The cable is not budging so Iā€™m glad I got out of that while I did.

In a nutshell, Iā€™m frustrated because my predictions are valid and I place the right trades, yet my S/L usually gets in my way and I never set my T/P high enough!!

Oh well. Weā€™ll figure it out. At least the signals are working and Iā€™m still ahead (just not as much as I should be).


Starting Balance: 1,000
Current Balance: 1,134
Pips Gained: +152
System Started on March 5, 2009
Equity Increase: 13.4%
Win Ratio: 76.9% (10/13)



Hello everyone,

Keep your eyes on the following pairs:

EUR/USD ā€“ Bearish
EUR/JPY ā€“ Bearish
USD/CAD ā€“ Bullish
EUR/CHF ā€“ Bearish

Avoid the cable like the plague!


hello. A few questions. Do you apply the settings to the MACD to the close or open. And about the ADX, how exactly do you read that indicator. Should there be any settings for this indicator. And also, before one jumps in a trade should the indicators all line up perfectly at the same time before jumping in the trade.

Hello everyone,

I just SOLD the EUR/USD @ 1.2718.

Trade has all ready moved in my favor +35 pips.

Iā€™ve locked in +5 pips and Iā€™m not risking any of my capital.

T/P = 50

Iā€™ve also BOUGHT the USD/CHF @ 1.1569.

Itā€™s almost even.




@Phantom: Was I right or not about the T/P?
My opinion: if you have some profit (letā€™s sayā€¦ equal to your initial S/L in pips), and of course if the trade still looks good (sometimes catching a glimpse of the larger time frames, like H4 or D1, can also help), move your S/L to BE and just let it be.
If you have to leave your computer for a long time, a trailing stop is not a bad idea, but donā€™t make that too tight (you know why ;)).

Caught some good moves today (USDCAD almost 100 pips, EURUSD - moved my S/L at +100 pips, which I pocketed later because the S/L got hit, and also I am +30 on EURUSD on itā€™s way down)

@rtiger29: My MACD(5,9,4) is applied to the median price. I am also using ADX(10) applied to Close.
ADX is an indicator that shows the strength of a trend. Esentially the trend is not so powerful (therefore you should stay out of any trades) when ADX goes below 20. Also, +DI and -DI lines (which you donā€™t get with ADX on some platforms, you do get them with ADX on MT4) can show the direction of a trend (when +DI is over -DI, price goes up, and when -DI is above +DI, price goes down). For more info, you could try a Google search for ā€œADXā€ :slight_smile:

Happy trading everyone,

Hello everyone!

My EUR/USD trade hit itā€™s T/P. I had shifted it to +60 pips and it hit it.

My other trade (USD/CHF) is up around +35 pips, too.

I could have made more on my EUR/USD trade, but i couldnā€™t get the adjusted T/P to go on time. Oh well.

Iā€™m happy again. :smiley:


Starting Balance: 1,000
Current Balance: 1,194
Pip Gain: +202
Equity Increase: 19.4%
Win Ratio: 11/14 (78.5%)
Started on March 5, 2009




Way to go man!
Did you know that a 20% percent weekly equity increase will make you in 52 weeks, over 13.000 times your initial amount? :slight_smile: I know, sounds too good to be true, but that is simple arithmetics. Getting that weekly 20% is what is complicated!

Happy trading,

Hello everyone,

My USD/CHF trade was stopped out at +60 pips!


I also opened another trade. I BOUGHT the USD/JPY @ 98.84.

Iā€™ll keep you posted on that.

I donā€™t really feel like doing a complete list of statistics right now.

But here is the gist.

Current Balance: 1,245
Pip Gain: +272
Equity Increase: 24.5%
Win Ratio: 12/15 (80%)



Itā€™s amazing how fast it can all add up! :smiley:

Now is that including increase lot sizes or not?

It is entirely possible to become a millionaire with a few years simply by making a modest amount of pips each month and steadily increasing your lot size.

20% weekly is an insane average. Contrast that with the measly, wimpy stock market, which gives most people 12% per YEAR. Pathetic.

In other news, my usd/jpy trade is up +4 pips.



Hey Forex Phantom,

Thanks for posting this system!

I used it today again on the GBPUSD and made +95 pips profit!

I did not set a TP and just entered the trade when I saw the setup then I set my stop loss at about 25 pips and set a trailing stop loss of 15 pips once it broke even (might have been a little tight now that I look at it). I closed up my trading platform and came back and it was up about 40 pips. I closed it again and came back and it was up 110 pips before falling and hitting my trailing stop loss and giving me +95 pips.

Thanks again for the system, I will be incorporating it into my own and will continue to use it.


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Hi Phantom,

Yes it includes lot size. I meanā€¦ you just increase your lot size so you maintain the amount of pips needed constant.

For example, if you trade using 0.1% of your equity as your pip value (which is a little high, you are risking 5% of your equity on every trade with a 50 pips S/L), 200 pips weekly will do for a 20% increase. I donā€™t say it is easy, but it is just so do-able. Good luck!



Youā€™re very welcome. Iā€™ve been demoing it for about a week and Iā€™ve increased my equity nearly 25% and gained around +272 pips.

Itā€™s definitely a working system so far, as Iā€™ve won around 80% of my trades.

I enjoy the simplicity of the system. It allows me to place a fair number of trades per week as well.

Iā€™m very curious about your Trailing Stop Loss. Do you have an EA for that? Iā€™ve got some EAā€™s but Iā€™m unsure how to configure them properly.

If you could upload your EA and the settings you use, maybe we could all tweak it so that we can go from +50 pips per trade to +100 pips, all while being away from the computer screen!

This would be a big help for everyone.



Hi Phantom,

Can you please describe exactly what EA you need? Maybe I can write that for you.

Happy trading,

Hi there,

I have several Trailing Stop/Loss EAā€™s. We all know the purpose of a Trailing Stop Loss ā€“ continually lock in profit as the price continues in your favor. Without setting a T/P, one could essentially ride out a trend forever!

Manually setting a trailing S/L is extremely tedious and frustrating. Itā€™s a colossal headache for me because you have to keep doing calculations in your head. Sometimes, my internet connection will choke up just at the critical moment and it wonā€™t get sent through. Not cool.

An EA can alleviate this problem. It will automatically adjust your S/L based on the parameters you input at the start of it. It does this in real-time, adjusting to whatever the price is doing.

A lot of these EAā€™s use technical jargon that I donā€™t understand.

I finally just found one that seems pretty simple.

Itā€™s called ā€œStepStopExpert 1.1ā€.


Initial Stop: 30
Break Even: 20
Step Size: 1
Min Distance: 15

What do you guys think for these parameters?


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