Another Babypip on board

Hi there,

I joined the Forex beginner course a few days ago after reading about Forex every now and then. My curiosity took over and led me to babypips and I appreciate the page a lot so far. Hope to learn from you guys and to exchange knowledge over the years that come.

Does anyone have some book reccomendations on the subject?

Have a good day everyone

Hi and welcome.
If you put e.g. “books” in the search function you will find a number of earlier thread discussions here about reading material that might give you some starters! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Heys Manxx,

thanks a lot for the quick reply! The moment I posted my question it came to my mind to use the search in the forum :smiley:

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Is that what members here are called? Babypip if just one and Babypips for plural?

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Feel free to do that as well! I’m too new to judge if this is the preferred nomenclature for all members though, but it felt right considering the name of the platform :wink:

Well, hello then from a fellow Babypip!

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Thank you sir, I hope to learn a lot in the next years.

Welcome Charly! In what lesson are you atm in the pipschool?

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Thanks kilas! I’m reading the Kindergarten chapter about the types of analysis. I will search for a european broker in the next days to create a demo account. Which one do you use?

Welcome to BP @CharlyBromzen and good luck in finishing the School of Pipsology!

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Thanks @baemax023 it is really insightful!

Welcome to bp @CharlyBromzen! Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification with anything. I’m sure members will gladly help you out. Good luck with your studying of the school of pips. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @CoinLady ! :slight_smile: I’m reading about indicators and follow the forums at the moment, so far i just use the MT4 Demo account to try out the things I learn about but didn’t make a trade til now. I’ll have a deeper look into which pair I want to focus on in the next days, I’m sure I’ll find a good answer in the forums :slight_smile: