part of being a “dutch uncle” is when you start getting ticked off !
this is a recession proof industry where you can be your own boss and never be fired, never have to listen to others stupidity or know youre smarter than your boss ---- like any CAREER, it takes time to learn it and the only way is to study, learn, practice and do it all over and over again, till you do it in your sleep.
the ACTUALLITY of the whole situation is that the BEST traders are those who are bored with their job, simply because its just ANOTHER job in reality — once youre so good that you can trade any direction, ranging or trending, up or down, then you can make an ENORMOUS living out of it, using any amount of time you so wish and making however much you desire, based on your own inherrent abilities.
remember that even with doctors, only 10% are at the top of the class and theres also a 10% at the BOTTOM — everyone else falls into the middle !
the advantage of trading for yourself lies in YOU set your own PACE, not some slave driver working for some bank, who expects you to turn out 3 billion dollars in profit — [B]YOU DETERMINE WHAT YOU DO AND WHAT YOU WANT, and let me tell ya, there aint nothing better ![/B]
so just DO IT, and put one foot in front of the other — youre entering the “101 classes” and theres a lot ahead of you before you have your “Masters” in trading, but if you DESIRE it, you can get it and then the world is your oyster !
enjoy and trade well
[B][I]Within the great hall at Elfinore stands a wondrous coffer, precisely four cubits square and securely latched against the outside world. Inside that repository, shut away from impertinent eyes, abides many an intriquing trading secret garnered from around the world and over the ages !
As a child, i used to watch from the darkness as the secrets were debated and annotated by the elders. No one there held a single thought of my presence – BUT I KNOW WHERE THEY HID THE KEY !![/I][/B]