Are Robots Slowly Replacing Human Workers

Here’s what happened when I walked out of Starbucks / Amazon and they never charged me.

Cashier-less Starbucks didn’t charge me $26

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This video immediately annoyed me. How easy is it to ask the butcher for a kilo of pork? Super easy.

Now imagine the cognitive dissonance you feel entering your order for pork into a keypad. How frustrating that would be?! That’s when you get frustrated, you look around and yell ¨Is anyone working here?!¨

Just because they’re using robots, that doesn’t mean they’re developing in a good direction.

I’m not watching this video anymore. The more I watch, the more it infuriates me.

If I were a politician, I would place a limit on robots (if allowed at all), to protect our human labour.

This much automation is a horrible direction for society.

Remember the post a while ago about the first all-robot dam built in China? They think it’s an achievement, but it’s not. They’re undermining their own labor force.

How dumb we are as humans.

Now, this is where I become hypocritical.


This is a style of sushi restaurant in Japan. There’s a conveyor belt that goes around the restaurant.

You sit at your table, and you can order from a screen.

You sit, place your order, the dish comes around, and you put your dirty dishes on the dirty dish conveyor belt, underneath. At first; I thought this was cool. I didn’t see anything wrong.

But this eliminates the need for waitress staff. This may not be a robot, per se, but it’s automation replacing human labor. Why is this different?

Is this a bad idea as well? How much automation is bad? Where do you draw the line? Who decides when enough is enough? Public consensus? Let the people vote on it?

Will people vote their own labor into obsolescence? Would we doom ourselves?

Do we just let the market decide?

There are people who say no, and fight for their hometown. This puts a smile on my face.

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How will these stores prevent theft, also pay attetion to the second video on what type of data these stores are collecting on you.


We Stole Tampons from the Cashier-less Amazon Go Store

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It never occurred to me that this was already happening

Inside The World’s Most Futuristic Driverless Taxi

This is the world’s first fully autonomous car for ride-hailing created by Waymo. While we were in San Francisco, we had to go and check out the autonomous vehicles that have been picking people up across the Californian city.

The all-electric fleet of self-driving cars works exactly like paid ride hailing apps, minus the driver.

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foot's on fire

They’re undermining their own local economy, and they think they’re stepping into the future. No wonder so many California residents moved to Texas.

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Cars are collectively a ‘privacy nightmare’ that has gone unaddressed for far too long, according to the Mozilla Foundation. A 2023 report from the group says privacy policies give automakers like GM, Nissan, Tesla and Toyota far too much access to personal data and latitude in what they do with it. Some high profile lawsuits highlight how car companies can and in some cases have collected data on drivers without their consent and passed it on to third parties, including insurance companies.

Why Automakers Are Invading Your Privacy


I can’t speak for everyone, but time will tell. For me, yeah, I can see ChatGPT taking my spot in almost every task.

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Sorry, dude. I wish there was a way around this, but there isn’t. There’s no escape. Even if you turn your phone off, the government can still spy on you. If not the government, some data-collecting AI.

It’s comforting to reject cookies when you visit a website, and to block your IP address with a VPN. But it only provides some protection.

Then again, with all the data collection and spying going on, there are still so many criminals the government can’t seem to stop or catch.

So, what does all that mean?

I don’t know…

Any ideas?

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You cannot avoid this unless you plan on going into isolation in Bumfuck Egypt

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You could be just about anywhere and data on your cell phone can be scooped up by law enforcement without you ever knowing. It happens all the time.

The Stingray: How Law Enforcement Can Track Your Every Move

Initially developed for military use, Stingrays have made their way into local police and sheriff’s departments around the country. Months ago, the I-Team sent open records requests to every law enforcement agency in our viewing area and learned that three agencies close to home have been using cell site simulators:

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Bumfuck Egypt, here I come!

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I think this is what the future of war looks like. Sometimes I get scared for our future :frowning:


You mean, our robot dogs vs their robot dogs?

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AI Reveals How It Would Wipe Out Humans

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Well, it’s starting to replace girlfriends

BTW, the majority of these lonely men are married.

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I got a security warning on ABC7 link

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Weird…I guess your computer is trying to tell you something about ABC7. But what?


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As an anecdote in support of your comment, I got the opportunity to visit the first bp oil platform before it was floated out in the Caspian sea over a decade ago. My job was to inspect the fibre optic and LAN cabling installations to a new installation standard. Having worked on oil rigs in the late 70s and the 80s, as an exploration engineer, I was used to the driller floor being a very dirty and muddy place. This drilling platform had a completely enclosed driller’s cabin with a control chair that looked like that of Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise with three 42 inch flat screens above the driller’s head and a plethora of joysticks and levers to control “the iron roughneck” - a machine that replaced 5 or 6 labourers whose job it was to handle the drill pile when drilling a new well. I asked the operations manager if this had resulted in a reduction in the accommodation for the automated operation. He said “hell no. There are more beds than ever. Now instead of a 6 roughneck crew we need an army of telecoms. hydraulic, pneumatic, software, hardware, engineers that we never needed before to manage these “intelligent robots” and we need to pay drillers more money to have the new skillset to operate the machinery”. I suspect it is similar in most real world applications. And the robots can’t be programmed to slap an awkward customer around the ear hole for being a pain in the neck. :rofl:


I was skeptical of this argument, but open to hearing it out. I’m glad you shared a real world example.

However, this may not be the case across the board. On oil rigs robots had a positive impact. But how about restaurants? Schools? Hospitals? Construction sites?

I’m curious how this will play out.

Check this out. There are several African countries whose British/French-built infrastructure began collapsing after their independence.

In the case of building a modern highway, should any one of those countries direct funds to buy robots to do the labour, or to pay citizens to do the labour?

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I guess you could say in the case above that the roughneck crew was replaced by better-paying jobs, but like you said, it may not be the case across the board. For example, if a company with 1,000 employees replaces 100 workers with robots, but it only hires 10 high-paying workers to maintain the robots and other minor details, you still have 90 workers out of ta job.

When it comes to robots, you have to consider job losses vs job gains

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