Are there any Options Traders around

As per the title.

And I refer to PROPER Options NOT Binary Options nonsense.

A forum friend and me have a question or two.

I have been planning on looking into options for a while!

I was trading options back in 2013/14.

No fancy combo trades like flying eagles, butterflies, Iron Condors, straddle, saddle and stirups.

Strictly at the money puts/calls based on PA and Contract levels.

Not sure if I would have any beneficial intell for you.


Uh HUH!!! Not just a pretty face then!!! LOL!!!

Take a look at this thread (link below).

We are trying to find out if it would be possible to buy or sell (not quite sure what terms to be using here) an Option on USDHKD. Just take a look on the thread and see what we’re on about.

Let me know when you’re there by posting and we’ll explain.


This is all I found for options contracts.

Again my experience with options was at the money calls and puts on Dow/Nasdq stocks on Thinkorswim - they had a great platform btw. I was Kicking A$$ til I got my a$$ kicked!! Ignorance has a BIG BOOT!

Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.




Do you think I don’t know how to use Google or what??? LOL!!!

Thanks for trying though!!! LOL!!!

From the little bit I’ve managed to find on this: there aren’t any available. And not sure what to make of the link that you posted as I found the same link myself.

It would seem that this is not a new idea and certainly we’re not pioneers in the field i.e. found many places where traders were asking the same thing and the general consensus is that even if these things were available they’d be very expensive and apparently for obvious reasons.

Check my response in the usd/hkd thread

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