Are you a gambler or the house?

Nice start, TalonD. Let us hope others follow your lead.

Anybody out there asking [B]TOUGH QUESTIONS[/B]?

Dang, sooner or later someone is going to post this in my thread and I’ll have to answer the tough questions.

Are people afraid to ask TOUGH QUESTIONS?

They are frightened that the answer will shatter their dreams. However, this is a negative sum game, we need those people with their heads in the sand, their participation in the markets should be encouraged.You should be telling them how easy this is, not frightening them away.

The smart one’s are more than capable of looking after themselves and asking the right questions. To be brutally frank, the smart ones are unlikely to be wasting their time reading unsubstantiated opinions on trading forums.


Best Regards,
Matt Jones .

That pretty much sums it up. :stuck_out_tongue: