Automated backtesting date omissions/consecutive loss #'s

I have been trying to get an answer from search engines and various websites but am unable to verify the existence of these perimeters. I am looking to back test using the built-in strategy tester in MT5, and I would like to omit certain dates(news events) in my back-testing but I’m unable to figure out how to do this, or if this in fact an option. If there isn’t an option to do this, how would I go about it? Perhaps I’m just oblivious to the fact. Also, with the data that’s collected, again perhaps unbeknownst to me, is there an option to measure the amount of consecutive losses? I would like to have this data as well.

Thank you for your consideration in reading this.

Hi, you can make separate tests for each date. What do you mean wrote measure the amount of consecutive losses, do you want to predict the future?:wink: Regards Greg

Thanks for the response Greg.

Forgive me, perhaps the way in which I’ve structured the question may seem to misrepresent my query. When I said omit certain dates, I meant being able to individually check off dates in the strategy tester that would, in turn, not be included in the sample. For instance a nonfarms payroll. Furthermore, with respect to the second part of the question, I was referring to the consecutive amount of losses a specific strategy/indicator would accrue using the perimeters I had set.

I’m at the stage in my trading journey wherein which I am to collect data from backtesting to develop a trading plan, I’m looking to be as efficient as possible and manual backtesting does not seem like the best use of my time testing indicators since I want to toggle with the indicators settings to find the one that works best. Doing this across 28 currency pairs for 1-2 year samples at a time makes me wonder if there is a more efficient way of testing, rather than going through each individual currency pair. I intend to backtest the trading plan using manual backtesting since then I can get a better feel for it, but in terms of just indicators I’d like to streamline the process, perhaps I’m overzealous in thinking this? I don’t know too much about this, maybe you can lead me in the right direction with my backtesting if you would be so obliged?

Thank you so much for your response, I will be looking for an indicator that can eliminate news data from my sample, simply because I do not intend to trade the news. I also have been under the impression that major pairs usually have price action manipulated by big banks, and wish to stay clear from them as well. But I appreciate the perspective and am very grateful for you having taken the time to respond to my query.

Hi I think jckbt wrote you basic principles how to test in MT5, good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg