
Can someone teach me how to change my avatar to the cartoon characters whcih everyone is using?

Lol…!!! What…?

You have that cartoon character which you use as your profile pic. I see everyone having some cartoon pic as their profile pics “Avatar”. Where can I get it?

Going for the random picture of yourself instead.

It seems to be working for me - I am rocking it, aren’t I?!? :slight_smile:

which cartoon characters? i might try them as well :smiley:

Just go to google images and search “cartoon character” … right click the one you want… Save it… Then you use it :wink:

I still can’t find the avatars that they use. When you go to the mainpage of babypips.com, the first thing you’ll see are the blogs which people have written and all the bloggers have some cartoon character as their profile pic “avatar”. I still don’t know where to find those pics to make my own avatar. Sad!

can you tell us at least one member whose avatar you want to copy?
banker’s avatar is a nice one. :wink:

just right click the avatar image and save… then copy it as your own

May I suggest that you [B]not[/B] copy someone else’s avatar?

Doing that would probably be a good way to get yourself booted out of this forum.

I would like to have my own avatar. :cool:

Those are the babypip moderators… They all have the same theme avatar, presumably so the rest of us know they are moderators… And yes if you copy one of their avatars you would probably be asked by them to change it or be banned.

Although now I kind of want to try…

If you search the internet I’m sure you’ll find a site that will allow you to upload a photo of yourself and have it “cartoonized”.
That way you will be copying an idea but you will be guaranteed that nobody in the world will have the same one as you.

yeah, I was also wandering and want to have my own avatar, as well. Can any one tell us how to do it.