Hi Fezz666 here I’m from Australia. A friend asked me to join the IM academy it felt a bit scamy but peaked my interest in forex so I did a little digging and ended up here! Hopefully you guys can help me figure out how to do this right. Also any tips on what broker I should go with would be greatly appreciated.
Hello and welcome fezza666. Don’t start thinking about the broker just yet. Finish the School of Pipsology course, things will make a lot more sense once you are done with it. I wish you all the best.
You’ve arrived at the right place @Fezz666. This is a great place to network and get good advice. You’ll find a lot of helpful people here, ready to share their winning strategies. So good luck
Hello Fezz666! Good thing you found Babypips! You’ll definitely learn a lot here for free! Check out the School lessons. They have a guide on how to choose the right broker. Good luck!