Baby Pip here, saying hi :)

I got dreams to travel the world, but not just to those typical touristy places. I want to go deep into the bundus and speak to the traditional leaders and healers. I have a dream to remedy the aches of the world through integrative psychology and trading is just one of the vessels to get me there. :star_struck:



That sounds like a great idea - I could do with doing that myself lol


Yo Baby Pippin!! Good luck with your mission! Sounds inspiring.


Thanks so much Smith, Iā€™m hoping to start a mindset that people are not broken but need healing.

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Hello and welcome to the forums! I admire your dreams as I also love to travel and hope that this site helps you to accomplish your goals. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

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Thanks so much :kissing_closed_eyes:

You have a great mindset. I appreciate it. Keep up the good work and nothing can stop you from achieving what you want to.