Babypips needs an Off-Topic forum

How about an Off-Topic forum where we can talk about non-forex related things?

Most forex forums have something like this… We need something to do while we wait for someone to post the next holy grail!!

If there are technical limitations just rename “The ComDolls,” It’s only had 3 threads the entire year…

If you need something to do, why don’t you go play in the arcade Playroom: Take a Break & Have Yourself Some Fun in the BabyPips Arcade cause your off-topic topics leave a little something to be desired, or go visit TRO’s forum and challenge his character over there instead of all the way from here. And I’m sure BP admin will appreciate your wanting to rearrange their house…not.

Where did that come from?? :confused:

Yes, I did make a comment about TRO’s character in a TRO thread, but I didn’t say anything about TRO here. I fail to see what that has to do with this post??

Warning new traders about someone I think is questionable probably wasn’t a good idea, but it’s not off-topic and not against the rules (to my knowledge, anyway).

I don’t want to argue with you or stir up trouble, so I’m going to remove my post from the other thread, but your reaction to what I said is proving my point…

And if Babypips doesn’t want suggestions about ways to “rearrange their house” then why would they have a [I]suggestions [/I]forum? And why would that forum’s description say “if you have any suggestions then feel free to share. We’re always looking to make BabyPips better.”

Greetings phil838,

Thanks for the suggestion. We’ve decided to give it a try, but the off topic forum will remain in a probationary period for a few weeks. We’ll use this time to monitor its use and overall value-add to the forums as a whole.

Thanks again for contributing to! Keep it coming.


These two women were walking through the forest when they hear this voice from under a log. Investigating, the women discovered the voice was coming from a frog: “Help me, ladies! I am an investment banker who, through an evil witch’s curse, has been transformed into a frog. If one of you will kiss me, I’ll be returned to my former state!” The first woman took out her purse, grabbed the frog, and stuffed it inside her handbag. The second woman, aghast, screamed, “Didn’t you hear him? If you kiss him, he’ll turn into an investment banker?” The second woman replied, "Sure, but these days a talking frog is worth more than an investment banker!!!

Why the off - topic?

Most forex forums have something like this… We need something to do while we wait for someone to post the next holy grail!!
that is a good idea

I think it will be great