Back after many (too many) Years

Hello new friends. While I am not new to forex, it has been a very long time since I have traded. I am a retired Commercial Helicopter Pilot and find myself with the time for self-reflection and a brain not willing to just shut off. I love numbers and calculations. I have a Masters in Financial Analysis (was Plan B if the whole flying a helicopter didn’t work out) and a slightly higher than average risk tolerance.

I’m looking forward to chatting with many of you, bouncing ideas and identifying opportunities.


Hi, nice to meet you.

You’re not the first helicopter pilot I’ve heard of, taking up trading. I believe one of the most successful price action traders, who eventually wrote a textbook or two, was previously a helicopter pilot, too.

The combination of disciplined approach and great attention to detail, from your background, surely speaks highly of your chances? Welcome to Babypips!

Welcoooome @Friscodan! :blush: I’m sure you already got this a lot but your job was super cool! :blush: What do you miss most about being a helicopter pilot? :blush: Good luck with trading and we’ll be cheering for youuu! :blush:

I appreciate the warm welcome. I also believe PA is the way to trade, but im not opposed to dropping an indicator or two on the chart to confirm or just play during the wait.

Cant wait to see how my DEMO months go, as Ill not enter the live trade arena until I see consecutive months in the Black.

The feeling of being one with the machine is what I miss the most. Its empowering for sure. Thank you for the warm welcome.

You will be “one with the chart” instead. It will be empowering also! (I did not manage it, yet, myself :blush: )

Started my journal…No News is No News

Welcome back - what are your go to strategy when look for trading opportunities?

Are you using any AI tools?

@Trevor3649 Thank for the Welcome. I use a modified Ichimoku with a 150 ema for trend identification. This method is only to identify envelopes of trade opportunities. After one is identified, i switch to Price Action for the entries and exits. Check out my Journal if you would like. Open Season…Trade Journal

@matthew88819 I am NOT, although I find the idea interesting. It would be even more fun if I could program an AI to mimic my crazy thought patterns.

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Does it help in filter out bad trades?

This week, since I am not trading due to the volatility associated with the Tariffs and not tariffs, I am attempting to trade without my system (on Demo)…just PA (no indicators). It’s not going well. I will copy my journal over the weekend, but for me, it seems to filter out a lot of the noise.