Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

I trade GBPNZD but I don’t hold on to it for longer than 50 pips. Once I define the boundary conditions within which to trade the pair, I wait and stalk the pair for precision entry using multi-time frame approach. For example, a weekly analysis I did yesterday positioned GBPNZD as potentially bearish but I will not enter a southward trade until a pull back upwards to a level I am watching. Trade safe.

Each to their own, but the thread is called Balls Of Steel for a reason.

Hahaha +1! :smiley:

Looks like we’re headed back to the 2013 lows where you’d think buyers would be lurking. If those levels don’t hold we’re in unchartered territory as far as I can see on my charts which go back to '92 on the monthly. I can’t get long this pair at the moment - just not much to recommend for GBP right now but maybe that’ll change when there’s more clarity around Brexit and it’s impact down the line. Not sure that’s going to come anytime particularly soon but who knows. Selling rallies looks the safer option to me but could get pretty hard work once if we get down near those 2013 lows.

Great post, Tektolnes

Certainly it has been a remarkable bear run for this pair, negating the years-long inverse head-and-shoulders pattern and the pro-Sterling fundamentals we had previously. .

Where are the buyers? More importantly, why is Kiwi not selling? There is no particular yield guarantee from the Kiwi, with the RBNZ in a rate-cutting mood, so all the big drops in this pair, as i often noted, have often disregarded Pound-positive data/news and concentrated on the negative ones, equally downplaying negative Kiwi data/news… The balance has been tipped heavily to the downside as a combination of various factors, and.once trend momentum was established to the downside it carelessly smashed through every historically relevant demand zone, leaving a few of us here frankly quite baffled.

That is how it goes.

I’m not trading this pair now, it seems oversold yet continues down. PMH, are you continuing with your Long on this or will you be closing it?

I am still hokding on because long-term the outcome has not changed for me, the target still being 3.0, which although it is now below 1:1 R:R it is still positive. I will double up on Kiwi through Nzd/Usd shorting when conditions improve.

There’s long term, and there’s looooooong term. Hope it turns around for you sooner rather than later, but this longer term chart concerns me

Yes, me too, I have that chart from a year ago emblazoned in my mind…a clear long term downtrend channel…but…it is rare for channels to be consistent over decades, so this point is an interesting turning opporunity to distort the regularity… Nothing is certain…

…what is it doing?

Me neither. Don’t like selling at these levels as, like you said, it looks oversold and you can get snap reversals in GBP sometimes that melt your face off. But at the same time the fundamentals of Brexit are really weighing on this pair and buying at this level where there’s no real support doesn’t look a good option either.

I’m currently in just one trade - long DAX from 9554 and stop moved to B/E.

I don’t have any euro trades open. Did have Eurusd long but that slipped back and hit stop fir a staggering 2 pips.
Just one trade now, short AudUsd

Sterling over 200 pips down against the dollar

Damn you, GbpNzd, you’re like a mistress I can’t stay away from!
Long @ 1.8200
Don’t break my heart again

Brave man :slight_smile:

See GBP/NZD thread…

May the Buddha be with you!

…but I have now gone short on NZD/USD…

Good luck!


How is your Aussie short?

70 pips up today

UsdJpy long @101.90, looking for 200 pips