Among successful daytraders a typical reward-to-risk is around 0.5 to 0.8, or something like that. It’s almost always LESS than 1.0.
It’s among people posting in retail trading forums that one often, sadly, finds the “advice” to trade with a take-profit target of 2-to-3 times (or more!!) the size of the stop loss. It’s shockingly bad advice that actively prevents huge numbers of people from ever becoming profitable.
I’ve noticed here that people who point out this reality sometimes get shot down in flames. But really, people advocating an ‘R’ of 2.0 or more are here to do marketing of some kind, or at least self-promotion: they’re certainly not making their money by trading profitably!!
To be fair, it’s not just a Babypips problem: it’s also similar in other retail traders’ forums. It’s just very, very bad advice that people see and pass on, and it becomes established as a kind of nasty “consensus of opinion” among those who know no better, and it damages people‘s chances.
There was an awful post giving this advice, here, only very recently. It included the words “Ensure the TP is at least 2-3 times further than the SL for a favorable risk/reward ratio.”. Horrible advice. (The moderators have very kindly removed it now, and very many thanks for that!).