Best broker choice - UK based, allows hedging, low spreads, minimum deposit etc

Hi ForexWiseGuy,

You might be interested to know that FXCM recently introduced new spreads that are 1 pip lower for the most popular currency pairs.


So, now even brokers are calling pipettes pips? :slight_smile:

JPY pairs are only quoted to 3 decimal places, so I am correct with my post.
Please take some time to read the quote and you will realise what I was suggesting.

With JPY pairs, the 2nd digit after the decimal is the pip, the 3rd being the fractional pip. This is why the above statement is not true for all currency pairs.

What you mean? There’s nothing to be called, it’s just 1 pip equals 10 pipettes, it doesn’t matter which broker you use!

They certainly don’t show on a demo account!

Hi Ecerejo,

Here’s a link where you can register for a free demo account to try our new lower spreads.


That is not STP though, I don’t like the idea of a dealing desk!

I understand where you’re coming from and use our No Dealing Desk (NDD) forex execution myself. While FXCM believes that NDD execution provides the best overall trading experience, we also offer dealing desk execution as an option for traders whose primary concern is low spreads. Because we create the prices on which you trade, FXCM’s dealing desk is able to offer lower spreads than those provided by the NDD model.

Dealing desk execution is used by most brokers in the forex industry. However, FXCM’s dealing desk is different because we use the FXCM NDD price feed as a base to derive prices and execute orders. This means that our dealing desk execution shares important features with our NDD execution such as no re-quotes and no restrictions on stops and limits.

I really do not have much idea. To me it really does not matter at all. I choose such a broker who has very good reputation in the market and whom i can trust. It could be uk forex broker or in any country. It is not too hard to find out such a broker now a days.

There is such a creature that “has a good reputation…and whom I can trust”??? NAME THEM NOW!!

I do believe that most of negativity we read through out many of the FX forums is just bitterness of traders where they are at fault themselves and not their broker’s but I do find some of these spreads, specially if you trade outside the usual ones, completely ridiculous and I try to stay away from brokers that have spreads of over 6 pips, I’ve seen spreads that go all the way up to 12 pips and to me this is just unacceptable, there’s no reason at all to have such spreads unless you want scare away potential clients. I have Oanda right now, and I find that they have great spreads but from time to time they like to widen their spreads quite a bit specially around news releases but it’s not only them, they claim that is what they get from their feeds which is not true specially if you have an ecn account with another broker telling you that the current spread is about 1 pip and that is the foundation of my mistrust with non ecn accounts. Over all I prefer ECN just STP is not even enough because you can still manipulate spreads by programming the servers to do just that.