Best trading time

I don’t believe in the right time to trade forex. When you have time and money to invest, it is a good time.

I personally prefer long hours, but surely it all depends upon the trading techniques and trading instruments of the fellow traders.

The best time to trade in the foreign exchange market is when the market is most active and has heaviest volume

i am only looking now between london open 7am to 10am then newyork 2pm till 5pm if its not there then i leave the markets alone

I feel it is quite a debatable question but in my personal experience, I have always been benefittef from a longer time frame and it also increases the credebility that come with the decisions that I take further.

It is not favourable to trade forex during festive season as the trading volume is less and volitility is very low

Any time when you have time to analyse the market and risk your money.