Between fear and greed in trading, which would you rather have?

Greed can give u temporal wins called unjustified wins. U cant sustain these wins because they lack a trading plan. Greed can take u into gambling and lose all eventually. Fear can make u lose opportunities as u confined to small wins which u re confident of. For me Fear is a better evil


fear no go let you start at all. :joy:


Makes sense! I think fear can also just keep you frozen in action. Start trading then be fearful and just be stuck there vs. greed which can possibly continuously propel you to experience and learn more.

Thoughtful answer. Thanks for stopping by here, @MikeWolski! Appreciate it.

Yep, that’s the dream!

Good perspective too. But don’t you think fear can also keep you from doing things that you wouldn’t have done otherwise? (Something that can help you grow?)

This is not a question that needs to be Answered, but rather a question to determine your state of mind, when Trading. If I FEAR a trade, I do not enter it, if a Trade is going to make me money, I will enter it, this would then mean Greed, as per the poll. I say, that it is not Greed but rather an analytical choice. Case in point, how many traders realized what would happen to “BOEING” after 2 fatal accidents within a month? Did they TRADE “Long” or “Short”? This does NOT constitute GREED.

Fear is a measure of control. While greed can damage or destroy all that have been laboured for. Greed leads to total collapse of everything. God bless.

millions of people stuck in 9to5s all because of fear lol so yes, FEAR allllll the way

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I prefer greed. In this case, you’ll loose some money, but, only in the case where you learn your lessons, you can evolve from there and make better choices ( rathar than fear, where you aint making none ).


Either fear or sheer complacency lol. Are you trading full-time now?

No I’m still working, but that’s one of my ultimate goals is to be able to trade full-time,. It’s a work in progress

Yeah the important thing is you have a goal you’re working towards!

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most definitely! everyone needs to have a plan ya know?