Bitcoin and Altcoins Thread

Interesting article and claims made, but not a lot of details provided. Here’s another article on the topic, with more details. Granted, I’ve never read anything off of this website before, so take it as you will.

As for your bolded sentence, just remember that what is being proposed is redistributing the 1 million coins as they exist on the new fork, not on the “real” Bitcoins that we know as BTC/XBT. How they would accomplish that is a mystery to me. This “forked” version of BTX/XBT goes by the symbol B2X, and called “Bitcoin Segwit2X”. Here’s the currency’s website.

It’s all very new. The github page, where this project’s code is maintain and viewable for the public is new, like 17 days new. Which in the life of any project is super duper duper young and fresh. Read more about why crypto teams use Github to share code in this Steemit article.

Still interesting to see if this materializes into anything.

I had to smile at this


Here’s one I made, when I had a little too much time on my hands –

That’s not my opinion, by the way… It’s just fun to try to get a rise out of the haters.

I’m LONG bitcoin (since September) in a dollar-cost-averaging buy-and-hold program. Latest purchase New Year’s Eve.

I’ll post a marked-up chart in a few minutes.


(click to enlarge)

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Whats the best wallet and why? Is there a lot of difference?

Can you expand on why you think this?

No, let up in this rally in Ether, all while Bitcoin sits in a range

Bad news for Bitcoin

Has anyone heard good news on cryptocurrencies recently?

Looks like the BBC jumped the gun just a bit :slight_smile:

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Thanks for that Pipstradamus. Unusual for BBC to be ahead, they’re usually last to report “news”

Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether all running around -6% today

Cryptos are down across the board, even Ethereum is getting hit now. I am buying the dip

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If you had bought Bitcoin following all of these bad news events over the last few years you would be a very wealthy person today

WTF, people?

Somebody “flagged” this post? For what?

TradingPanda’s post was perfectly on-topic, and there was nothing objectionable about it.

Somebody didn’t agree with his point of view, and wanted to shut him up?

Is this any way to run a forum?


Got a message from Moderator Jess, saying that the issue was that the post in question was
copied-and-pasted from another site. Got it. My bad.

So, as Grandmother said, as she put on her orthopedic shoes, “I stand corrected!”

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Well, here’s a sample of recent news, [U]some of it[/U] good for cryptocurrencies —

January 8 — Finance Magnates

January 10 — LeapRate

January 10 — Finance Magnates

January 11 — LeapRate

January 11 — Finance Magnates

January 12 — LeapRate

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What post was that, I’ve not even read it! I dont suppose you have a screenshot Clint?

Thanks for the good news posts Clint, amazing how mainstream media only seem to report bad news these days, unless it’s about some ‘celebrity’

Hello, Eddie

Scroll back to post #70 and click on the green text “view hidden content”.

It’s still accessible. In a day or two, the post will disappear.

This is what I mean about having cash in your account to buy these dips, you never know how long they will last, and you will not buy at the bottom