Bitcoin to fall off cliff?

Why do you think it will drop back to that level?

The top dogs are just playing with the crypto market, buy and selling off anytime they want. It’s crazy

All major moving averages converge around that level

It seems fairly bullish right now, but there is always the possibility for a pullback.

Why do you think that there are only bad consequences? What if not?

You are respondng to an old post from somene who has only posted 9 times (post no 2 in this thread) - so if you don’t mind, perhaps I can answer your queries ?

The annswerto your first part is simpy that “that is what bubbles do !”

I think to answer that question in simple terms it is simply

“Then we would be wrong” !

However, I see no obvious evidence to lead us to a “positive outcome expectation” - Bearing in mind that the “Cryptos” are simply a device to propose a new “Medium of exchange” and it is not at all clear to me why we would need another one ?

Cryptos also exhibit a good many of the properties we associate with “Pyramid selling” and we know there are a few “Whales” in the pool of tiddlers (Bitcoin holders) and therefore we can probably expect the “Whales” to be selling in small quantities into teh “pool” in order not to flood the market until they themselves are fully “Sold” - when in traditional terms they would simply “Dump the market” allowing it to implode.

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He speaks sense.

Just made me think of something:

Some make the argument that oh well: buy Bitcoin at whatever the current price is because it will go up no matter how long it takes. Maybe. But I remember thinking this of Silver some years ago when it was at something like $21. You know: thinking it was for all intents and purposes a finite resource (which Bitcoin as I understand it supposedly is) and production costs would go up (and all that jazz). Well. Other than the one run up it had: look where it came down to and has stayed for years.

(No I didn’t do this but I know somebody who did and who is still living in hope).

And that’s Silver I’m talking about not some anti-establishment creation and that exists only in the ether.

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Is bitcoin ready to try again?

(John McAfee certainly hopes so.)

The quote reproduced in the chart above came from THIS ARTICLE in LeapRate.

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Wow, it’s been such a long thread.
Today there’s been an unprecedented BTC rise.

Price action in Bitcoin sure looks a lot like what we saw in the Nasdaq back in year 2000-2002

I am a buyer of Bitcoin on any pullback

Here comes the big 40% correction.

Bitcoin continues it’s run too $8k gained more than $4,000 in last 4 months

main dir still up, range on the 1 hr

simply by buying $100 of Bitcoin at the beginning of each week, we are 21 weeks into the year and your $2100 of Bitcoin would be worth $4,010 at today’s price , Not a bad return

You do know what Warren Buffet calls Bitcoin???

The biggest concern to me about Bitcoin is regulation, regulation, regulation.

Whether we are talking fiat money, gold, paper currencies all these have policies/regulations so certain things can’t happen or don’t happen as much (money laundering, illegal activities with currency, currency manipulation, and so forth and so on. I’m not saying illegal things don’t happen with money now but we are safeguarded by agencies who play watch dog for these type of issues. The biggest thing for me is what happens when someone tries to manipulate bitcoin? Who are the overseers that could remedy an issue? For example, do you remember what happened with Quadriga cx where the owner died and all those millions of crypto are just frozen and nowhere to be found since he only had the login. These are things that worry me and I feel like this is what truly stopping bitcoin from crossing over the next hurdle.

Bitcoin cannot be manipulated and the overseers are the Miners who keep the ledger updated, now as far as brokers buyer beware, safest course is to keep your Bitcoin in a private wallet and only use the broker to by more or convert to cash.

I don’t understand a lot of this either, but with the upside potential having a small piece of this action to me is worth the risk

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Ok I’ve also heard of storing it offline as well for security and just safeguarding your money basically. I think that’s another issue the average consumer has heard of bitcoin plenty of times but rarely know how it works. It’s definitely worth taking the risk I mean even if it’s a small risk you never know unless you try.

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Dollar cost averaging is a great strategy :slight_smile:

well the answer to that question of mine - is now far less negative than it was then !

I recently bought some medication off the Internet and found it quite difficult to pay in any other way than Crypto !

I now think Crypto has some chance at least of countering the “you will own nothing and you will be happy” doctrine of those who wish to keep us “in our place” by a Chinaesque system of Social credit such as Trudeau just demonstrated in Canada - by clear financial abuse of those who sent any donations to the truckers in their demonstartions for freedom !

Long Live Crypto !