
And so BetaMax did once, and minidiscs and UMD, and so on. If I have to receive a payment nobody can force me to do so in BTC.

And so did VHS and Bluray… What’s your point? Everything has to start somewhere.

New, does not mean better. VHS was older than Betamax but Betamax did not last and VHS remained quite longer. If you are a BTC defender why don’t you buy a few BTC’s today? Let me know what happens.

I have bought BTC and I have mined BTC, LTC, and PPC. It’s gone quite well got out a couple days ago and will be buying back in in a couple more.

I have got to agree with bosmanoglu, if you are a trend trader catch the trend ride the wave and then get out. When I get the chance to do the proper research I’ll throw a few bucks at bitcoin.

Bitcoin fell 50% over the last two days.

sips some schadenfreude


So history repeats itself indeed, too bad this is not the final breakdown, there is more to it just wait it out :46::46:

Damn if i could just predict the lottery numbers with this accuracy…

And i laugh even hard when i retrospectively read the stuff on the bitcoin site how they will improve the system after more people join… so pathetic… WAKE UP PEOPLE ITS A PYRAMID SCHEME !!

The system will not improve when more people accept it. The system will stay the same. Any currency’s strength increases as more use it and it is more widely accepted. I predict Bitcoin will reach new highs within this month. Let’s see what happens.

This is the 1Y chart. The profile looks your typical pump and dump.

As we all know, one can profit if prices go up or down, wishing I had a sell trade on for the last two days.

Its a dangerous game, and if you choose to play, you play.

I’m thinking the same with buy only and follow this massive trend. Some experts this trend reminds them of the old Commodities Bull markets back in the days.

300 bucks 3 years ago could’ve made you 300,000 bucks. Nice deal. Fools gold or not, it’s a new era invention. Whether Bitcoin in it’s current state will stay as is, or we’ll see some updated / upgraded version is a question, but it’s here to stay folks. Like torrents, like facebook, like the internet. The market value of btc is the value of the network. The more people will get involved, the more value there will be in the network. It will be a couple of years before you realize you’re sending money to your friends and family abroad paying almost nothing for a transaction, using the same network you’re so happy to condemn now.

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Still, no one can force me to accept bitcoins as a form of debt consolidation.

I don’t speculate in the bitcoin market anymore, because the the legal/regulatory environment is too chaotic for my taste. But I made decent money earlier in the year, mostly through arbitrage opportunities through the different exchanges. Not that I recommend it to anyone; I’m just saying that there could still be money to be made in the short term for those with a high tolerance for risk. And that is why many of us are here, right? To make money on short-term trades? In that sense, I see BTC as just another currency - albeit one with ridiculous volatility.

There is a demand for this kind of currency out there - criminals, libertarians, geeks, disillusioned gold-bugs. I don’t know if BTC itself will last, but I think crypotcurrencies will be with us for a long time, and will prove to be highly disruptive to the banking industry.

you sound like old people in suits and ties, do you know that ?

no i should say, you sound like european or american old people in suits and ties who made their money in the sixties and they have no clue about opportunity or initiative in a world thats not building up right afters its been destroyed by a war …

do you know that ?

I don’t get it.

You see a lot of new coins are coming in this market everyday after the value of bitcoin increased rapidly… It’s more likely every programmer want’s to be millionaire by creating their own currency :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as I know it was created for Columbian cartel for cash flow without tracing…