Blowing accounts

This is why I recommend on choosing broker which offers the provision of negative balance protection to stop you from trading in negative

Blowing accounts in the forex market is a common thing and nearly every trader goes through it. You can’t go far in the market if you are not active enough to take advantage of the market situations. You either make money or lose all of what you have. Better understand what you want to do.

You need to learn more about forex, practice on a demo account and make a good strategy then trade. Don’t risk much capital initially.

Look for one good trade a week. I know a guy who is a millionaire trader who trades at most six times a month.

you need to perceive trading the right way and learn patience

practice personal development in a totally different field too there lots reasons why people are self destructive

Blowing accounts is something that you may not have control over. But you can definitely have control over making trading decisions that won’t take you anywhere. This is why a trader is suggested to study even before they start off their trading journeys.

I don’t think we can ever learn if we don’t make mistakes. But in reality, you can first focus on learning the concepts from scratch and then make any trades. You can take the education course on this site too.