Bollinger band trading with MAs

Is that the best you can come up with? How about adding your own two penneth to the discussion instead of whining on the sidelines.

I’m actually finding it very interesting & worth reading.
About time someone challenged these myths & stood up to express a contrary view.

Good for you metrix, don’t let the whiners dampen your comments.

Uh oh, sock puppet theater up in here! Everybody grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. :wink:

extra butter!!

I certainly wouldn’t impose my views on any trader, as I have often said, ‘there is no right way to trade’. What works for me might not for others, that part of your psychology statement I do agree with. I believe we have some long time contributors to this thread who trade the shorter tf’s. In fact this thread started off looking at trading the 15m chart with bolls and MA (take a look at page one) :slight_smile:

Heee heee heee :wink:

Sooo, back on topic now lol. How has everyone’s trading been goin?
18.8% today, hardest part is sitting infront of my monitors waiting for trades, gets pretty boring.

Btw RC, thats on .3% risk per trade so at most 1% risk combined with the 3 pairs I’m trading :stuck_out_tongue:

Still not sharing?

Something like this I need to keep to myself for a bit. The most info I’ll give out is that its based off RC’s and Shr1ks strat, LWMAs and multi TFs. I’m still demo testin this strat but I’ve doubled my account and then some in 3 weeks so this is something idk if I’ll be sharing in full, maybe after I’m wealthy enough haha
also, having hard stops makes this easy to trade, like I said before the hardest part is literally waiting for trades, they can come at any time.

Very deftly done Scoob! I’ll await your updated strat with great interest.

Hovering around 30 pips on a short AUD/JPY and 20 pips short on AUD/USD. A few others I’m still awaiting… USD/CHF short and long CHF/JPY.

Pretty lack luster day for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly it’s not much different than your first one with the 2 LWMAs on the daily, I still use those :p. Good indications of OB/OS, just added some of my own and Shr1ks touch to it so I get a little more precise entry :stuck_out_tongue:

Tut tut, all the work everyone’s put in together on this thread and you take your money and run - heheh. :smiley:

If he won’t reveal his system, he at least has to take us all out for a steak dinner. A nice thick jucy ribeye will do. After he gets rich of course…

I’m fine with that lol

good! I’m hungry! :smiley: On second thought… make it a porterhouse.

Man im gonna go broke from buying you guys dinner!

Well, enough of guys doing well and not sharing their success. Let’s focus on a guy still not doing very well (me) who’s having no joy with getting entries off the daily 2-1 bolls off the HA hi/lo.

I must be doing something wrong, or placing these orders at the wrong times. I am placing entry orders off the inner 2-1 boll bands derived from the HA candle hi/lo in the direction of the HA color. The issue is that price is always very far away, so far away that it never comes back to trigger the trade. Looking at non-HA charts at these times it’s evident that price would never fall so far back to these points unless the trend itself had completely changed direction.

At first I was setting my entry orders just 15 minutes or so before the close of the current daily candle. Then I started adjusting the entry orders about 7-8 hours later, thinking that perhaps with 1/4-1/3 of the current candle underway the entries might be more achievable. On eight different pairs, none have yet to trigger.

Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?

You’ll need to dig into the depths of RC’s brain for that one. I can see how the 10:1 on the Daily could time a 2:1 entry on the weekly but anything with a 2 average is going to be clouded as soon as the next candle opens. If you stick a 2:1 or 2:anything around the 1min candles (or 5min) you will see how the averaging works).
Perhaps use the weekly for the trend and give yourself another reason for entry on the Daily chart?

Nope I’m lost on that one Merch but I do keep an eye on the daily 16/24. Might be an idea to go back to 2 LWMA hi/lo HA for a fast indicator and 7 LWMA hi/lo HA for longer directional move. EUR/AUD still has a way to short yet. :slight_smile:

Well, perhaps I should just do it your previous way: setting alerts for when price moves outside the 2-p hi/lo LWMA, then coming back to the comp and tracking the 2-p regression line until it stops expanding, then buying/selling when price gets halfway back towards the channel between the two indis. By the way, did you ever try that on a shorter TF, like the 4H or hourly? I’d imagine you’d only want to take OB/OS rebounds back toward the channel in the direction of the daily trend, of course.

Firstly, I don’t use this method as it’s not to my style but I use something similar…so take what I say with a pinch of salt.

Take the principle of the method and twist it a little…
If there’s one common theme in this thread, it is use a higher TF and time your entry on the lower one.
(a) find a pair with a trend (defined by HA in this but you could just as easily use MAs or even a naked chart to see the trend).
(b) time an entry on the lower TF using a candle pattern, a boll bounce, an MA bounce, or a support bounce, etc.

Just some thoughts…

Currently short EA, EChf, UJ, UChf, EG…a little overexposed to the euro…