Bollinger band trading with MAs

there’s been so many different MAs I don’t think the exact value matters so much as the concept, I kind of like a 7 and 14 also

Yeah definitly true Talon, Oh well im observing G/U U/J and E/U a couple of trends starting all around just nothing playing through… alothough i have a very strong feeling U/J is gonna drop like a rock…Maybe i’ll check out U/C

I am really debating on going short with G/U…and doing a trailing S/L of like 15 pips…I have a feeling this downtrend is gonna break down harder over the course of the next few hours…possible 100 pip pickup…Idk

-Mike G =)

I am amazed that kept climbing during the Asian session.


I noticed that there is a lot of movement in Asian session in the last couple of days. It might be the USD diversification of Asian central banks into the GBP who is responsible for this.

I am getting the impression the GBP will go higher and what we saw just now was the low.

The 200MA on 4h sits just below 6198 slightly pointing up now… only about 2 pips.

I’ll give you my favourite and that’s simply trading the 15min MAs at S/R points. I sometimes trade 5min or 15min bollinger bounces depending on the setup but you have to be careful with these and safest to trade ones only in the direction of the 1hr trend.
I’m still using 3/6/9/14 LWMAs. I use the crossover of 3 and 9 as the initial signal and if it goes past 14 I’m almost definitely in for the trade.
I have the 4hr, 1hr, 15min, and 5min chart up (but I take less notice of the 5min now). Draw all the usual S/R lines on the 4hr and 1hr charts and go with that to start with.

If you enter a trade on 15m with 3 crossed 9,14 from above, 14 sitting on S&R line, PA in direction of trend [in this case down] and you get a spike on lower 20BB on 5m…chances are most likely that your trade will turn against you.

IMO disregarding 5m MAs and BBs can be very dangerous indeed.


[B]RE:[/B] Your 1h strat… been working on that on and off for the past month now and as you know. I have tried every indicator known to man trying to get this to work consistantly. :slight_smile: I now am using it with a ‘ribbon’ and a 2 std dev boll (20 period). A ribbon is basically many of the same indicator. Don’t laugh but I’m using Green 8 and red 10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26 and 28 LWMA. Its very visually indicative. I look for the red ma’s to cross the center line boll on the 1h. Often times you will get them all tightening and the off they go in one direction. Looks like they are just about to cross the center line now! :slight_smile:

[B]R Carter[/B]

I noticed SSD is dipping below 80, too. :slight_smile:

But you wouldn’t enter if the 14 was on a S/R line or rather you wouldn’t if there was a S/R line in the way of your trade direction.
Usually by the time the 15min MAs have crossed the 5min is on the extremes of its bands.

Going from one extreme to the other… I currently have up the following configuration.

1m chart. 2 std dev boll (20 period) with a 12 LWMA and an overlaid 100:2 std dev boll (20 period) to mimick the 5m chart boll. Been taking long trades when the 1m center line boll crosses the 5m center line boll and short trades for the reverse. Currently up 100 plus from London open.

Question, Morning guys =)…If your 3per LWMA on your 4H chart crosses the other can you basically guarentee the trend and direction of the candlesticks? of course agreeing that the 5m/15m and 1h have crossed

Mike G

PA is below S&R line, already…MA’s pointing down and have crossed in direction of trend and PA…[B]and still[/B]…if PA spikes 20BB on 5m it can turn around. Most often than not PA will retrace and move back towards S&R line.

Nope there are no guarantees! :slight_smile:

The only way to play the 4h chart is to take trades at or outside the upper/ lower bollinger using other indicators (I also wait for a wick on the candle that steps outside the boll and enter on the 2nd 4h candle colour change usually also with a wick). :slight_smile:

Okay another noobie question, PA = Price average…S/R = Support and resistance? i was never taught the analogies so im taking a shot in the dark…
R carter - Ah alright…just because im watching E/U and its in a downward trend …the 5/15/1h/4h have all crossed and the 4h candle currently now is passing through the middle boll to the bottom channel. So I went short a bit earlier in hope this trend will continue.

-Mike G = )

Well its looking pretty good so far if your already in a short? But is getting close to a S/R line at 1.4875.

Yup took short about 18 pips ago …and made it a big short because i was sure it was gonna last forever… the 5m 15 m and 1 h all have it piercing through the bottom boll. the 4h is piercing through the mid…

Was I correct on S/R?

Mike G =)

S/R = Support/Resistance

PA = Price action

Awesome…we may have just seen the turn around…im gonna continue examining it.

Mike G =)

Woa …it just broke the S/R…

R.C. I’ll give your ribbon a try. Here is a picture of something similar, two ribbons. I haven’t used it much. I see my reds are touching the center bb. But it’s friday. So whats your professional opinion. Based on the 1h. Time for a sell ?

and speaking of sell, when you left us yesterday you had a sell going on. what happened with that?

Errr… whats my favourite quote… “don’t trade unless you can be in front of the monitors!” Well I guess I was a little early on that sell… but who would have guessed the big move up on the Asian? In my defense… I did say I had to be away from the monitors for a while so was probably a little early. :slight_smile: Its still running at about - 40 now.